Objective: to investigate the scientific production regarding the perception of Brazilian children about family. Method: literature review, from 2006 to 2016, in the LILACS database and Scielo library, using the descriptors of Health Sciences (DeCs) family and child. We selected 15 articles for the analysis. After a brief description of the profile of the selected articles, the qualitative analysis of the data was grouped, grouping the results to form the categories. Results: most of the research was carried out in the South region by psychologists, and it is qualitative approach. It was possible to group them into two categories: Family for children in daily situations and Family for children in situations of vulnerability. Conclusion: from this study, one can think of a family from a different perspective, that of the child. By adding the theoretical models with this new perspective, it is possible to promote an optimal development for the Brazilian children and families. The study also shows the need for a methodological rigor in qualitative research that should clearly present the theoretical and methodological references used and reinforces the need to listen to children in new investigations. Descritores: Family; Family Relations; Child; Review; Family Nursing; Pediatric Nursing. RESUMO Objetivo: investigar a produção científica quanto à percepção de crianças brasileiras sobre família. Método: revisão de literatura, de 2006 a 2016, na base de dados LILACS e biblioteca Scielo, utilizando os descritores das Ciências da Saúde (DeCs) família e criança. Foram selecionados 15 artigos para a análise. Após breve descrição do perfil dos artigos selecionados, privilegiou-se a análise qualitativa dos dados agrupando os resultados de maneira a formar as categorias. Resultados: a maioria das pesquisas foi realizada na região Sul, por psicólogos, e é de abordagem qualitativa. Foi possível agrupá-las em duas categorias: Família para crianças em situações cotidianas e Família para crianças em situação de vulnerabilidade. Conclusão: a partir deste estudo, pode-se pensar família sob uma perspectiva diferente, a da criança. Agregando os modelos teóricos com esta nova perspectiva, pode-se promover um desenvolvimento ótimo para as crianças e famílias brasileiras. O estudo também mostra a necessidade de um rigor metodológico nas pesquisas qualitativas que devem apresentar, com clareza, os referenciais teóricos e metodológicos utilizados e reforça a necessidade de ouvir as crianças em novas investigações. Descritores: Família; Relações Familiares; Crianças; Revisão; Enfermagem Familiar; Enfermagem Pediátrica. RESUMEN Objetivo: investigar la producción científica en cuanto a la percepción de niños brasileños sobre familia. Método: revisión de literatura, de 2006 a 2016, en la base de datos LILACS y biblioteca Scielo, utilizando los descriptores de las Ciencias de la Salud (DeC) familia y niño. Se seleccionaron 15 artículos para el análisis. Después de una breve descripción del perfil de los artículos seleccionados, se privilegió el análisis cualitativo de los datos, agrupando los resultados de manera a formar las categorías. Resultados: la mayoría de las investigaciones fueron realizadas en la región Sur, por psicólogos, y de abordaje cualitativo. Fue posible agruparlas en dos categorías: Familia para niños en situaciones cotidianas y Familia para niños en situación de vulnerabilidad. Conclusión: a partir de este estudio, se puede pensar la familia desde una perspectiva diferente, la del niño. Agregando los modelos teóricos con esta nueva perspectiva, se puede promover un excelente desarrollo para los niños y las familias brasileñas. El estudio también muestra la necesidad de un rigor metodológico en las investigaciones cualitativas, que deben presentar, con claridad, los referenciales teóricos y metodológicos utilizados y refuerza la necesidad de oír a los niños en nuevas investigaciones. Descritores: Familia; Relaciones Familiares; Niño; Revisión; Enfermería de La Familia; Enfermería Pediátrica. 1Masters student, Postgraduate Program of the Faculty of Nursing Academic Master's Degree, State University of Campinas / UNICAMP. Campinas (SP), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID iD:; 2PhD, Postgraduate Program of the School of Nursing, State University of Campinas / UNICAMP. Campinas (SP), Brazil. E-mail: ORCID iD: INTEGRATIVE REVIEW ARTICLE Dias LB, Castillo AMCM. Perceptions of brazilian children... English/Portuguese J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 12(4):987-96, Apr., 2018 988 ISSN: 1981-8963 The perspective of family care has been studied by health researchers increasingly. Based on the premise that the family is a system and that all are affected when something happens to some of its members, researchers from diverse contexts have been dedicated to discovering the different effects that events such as birth, marriage, separation, illness and death exert on the family system and each one in order to develop appropriate evaluation and intervention strategies. Understanding experiences, according to the family perspective, favors a reflection on possible strategies that favor productive and less traumatic experiences. There are already in Brazil programs that work with families in a way that improves clinical knowledge and the skills of care. The family has been defined as a system responsible for the growth and development of individuals. It is relational, interdependent, complex, dynamic and articulate, being able to infect other members with anguish or suffering. Thus, it is necessary to highlight the centrality of the family for individual and social human development. For the same author, it is in the family that the child finds the main space of socialization influencing the acquisition of skills, behaviors and values contextualized culturally. The family concept has undergone numerous transformations and redefinitions throughout the history of society. However, the centrality of the family remains valid, regardless of the configuration that it assumes in contemporaneity. The new family configurations demand, of the professionals that work directly with the family, an active search for understanding such changes, since, in effect, this has a direct impact on health work. A study sought to investigate the conceptions that health professionals working in Pediatric Units had on family. Participants highlighted changes in the definition of family over time and defined it as a group of people united by coexistence and kinship. Professionals described the traditional, nuclear family with father, mothers and children, but also included extended family members such as grandparents and uncles. As for the family's role for children and adolescents, professionals consider it as fundamental, preponderant and total. They also showed five main functions for the family: support provider, essential care, plus educational, affective and guidance functions. Similarly, a study of 33 children, three to five years old who investigated the definition of the family and its function, identified that the majority of the children defined the family according to their composition. They highlighted the biological relationships among members including, in most reports, members of the extended family. In addition to relationships of kinship and consanguinity, they added people with non-biological relationships and pets. The authors conclude that children's views on the current livelihoods of families need to be investigated from a longitudinal and cross-cultural perspective. Many inquiries are made about children, but few are made with them from their perspectives. Most studies address aspects inherent in children under perceptions from parents or professionals. Children are the best sources of information about their experiences and opinions. Looking at childhood and the events contained therein, with the adult's gaze, is different than the child's gaze. The adult reports on childhood, while the child reports immediate experiences from that period. Thus, it is considered that studying the family perspective, starting from the perspective of adults alone, is not enough: children must also be considered as part of the discussion. They are also subjects inserted in the family with their own feelings and rights. Listening to children makes it possible to know their experience told by themselves. Researchers are recognizing the importance of considering the child as a participant in their research. Research on the universe of the child has been the subject of studies in the most diverse areas of knowledge, such as Education, Psychology and Health, and it is believed that accessing the knowledge already available in the scientific literature about children's conceptions about family in Brazil will the perceptions and definitions they make about the system of which they are part, as well as raising new research in order to gather and consolidate knowledge, as well as identify gaps and propose perspectives for new

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