Constructing a security-mechanism RFID system

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with Tags that contain electronic product codes allowing the pasted data to be transmitted has been used broadly in various fields. The RFID Tags can be read by a Reader at a limited distance, and it can also be repetitively employed for data Identification. Once the data of Tags is read, RFID has its data to be transmitted and processed in different ways such as add, modify or delete at the host computer. The unlimited access characteristic of Reader to Tags to lead RFID has the capacities of potential security and privacy. The privacy of the consumer might be violated owing to the problems of lacking security in RFID Reader. Therefore, developing better security systems and protecting user privacy have become a research topic for RFID technology. This study presents a novel RFID structure to refrain various attacks from intruders. In the proposed method, the parameter values ai, bi and EPC [1] [2] are hidden by the random code r and n to avoid the ID of EPC leaking out to achieve privacy protection. The introduced method for the RFID system was with functions such as keeping data integrity and authentication, protecting of personal privacy, and retraining of data security from illegal intruder.