Comparison between Fracture Behaviour of Pipe-Line Ring Specimens and Standard Specimens
Thethin walled structures as pipe-line are often unsuitable for standard testingof fracture toughness. One possibility is applying non-standard modifiedspecimens with simple testing procedure, but measured fracture behaviour isconsequence of loading conditions and geometry of specimen. In this paper thedifferences in fracture behaviour of single edge notch bending (SENB) and ringpipe-line bended specimens are discussed. Especially uneven fatigue crack frontas consequence of complex fatigue loading caused different fracture behaviour,than standard single edge notch bending (SENB) specimens. The stress-strainconditions at the crack tip are analysed by finite element modelling. Thecritical crack tip opening displacement has been determined as a crack tipsurface strain-relaxation by using stereo-optical grading method. Comparisonbetween CTOD-R curves of both types of specimens shows difference in crackdriving force.