KTX 운행현황을 고려한 고속선 레일 연마 기준 정립에 대한 연구
The importance of maintenance of rail surface defects is increasing more according to the KTX operation. That is because during high speed operation of rolling stock, rail surface defects may cause shortened fatigue life of rail, acceleration of track degradation and reduced ride comfort. The paper was intended to study the establishment of rail grinding criteria of high-speed railway lines considering the KTX operation circumstances. For this, the specimens of UIC 60 rail on Kyeong-Bu high-speed operation lines were collected and they were analyzed for metallographic structure and tested for the hardness. By analyzing the test results to the factors affecting the RCF causing the defects of rail surface, the study suggested the rail grinding criteria of the domestic high speed railway lines. As the factors affecting RCF, passing tonnage, running speed and track condition are considered.