[fre] Il existe une litterature abondante en economie des couts de transaction sur le choix d'une entreprise entre faire ou faire faire. A notre connaissance, il n'y a pas de test econometrique de ce type portant sur l'arbitrage que fait un gouvernement entre offrir directement un service ou le confier a un operateur. Nous presentons un tel test, utilisant une base de donnees qui porte sur l'ensemble des Unites Distributrices d'Eau pour les villes francaises de plus de 5000 habitants. Nos resultats suggerent fortement : 1) qu'il y a une logique economique dans les choix contractuels effectues ; 2) qu'il n'y pas d'avantage absolu pour un mode de gouvernance, les performances dependant de l'adequation d'un mode aux attributs des transactions. [eng] There is a vast literature in transaction cost economics on the choice made by firms to integrate or not. To our knowledge, there have been no previous tests for understanding decisions made by governments to provide a service or to outsource. Our paper presents such a test, using a data base on all units supplying water for towns of more than 5000 inhabitants in France. Our results strongly support that : 1) There is an economic rationale to contractual choices in public utilities ; 2) There is no absolute advantage for one specific mode of governance, performance depending on the fitness of the mode of governance to the attributes of the transaction.
M. Shirley,et al.
Bureaucrats in business : the economics and politics of government ownership
P. T. Spiller,et al.
The Institutional Foundations of Regulatory Commitment: A Comparative Analysis of Telecommunications Regulation
Scott E. Masten,et al.
Regulation and administered contracts revisited: Lessons from transaction-cost economics for public utility regulation
O. Williamson,et al.
The mechanisms of governance
S. Masten,et al.
Econometrics of Contracts: an Assessment of Developments in the Empirical Literature on Contracting
Thomas P. Lyon.
J.J. Laffont and J. Tirole, A theory of incentives in regulation and procurement
Peter G. Klein,et al.
Empirical Research in Transaction Cost Economics: A Review and Assessment
O. Williamson.
Public and Private Bureaucracies: A Transaction Cost Economics Perspective
O. Hart,et al.
The Proper Scope of Government: Theory and an Application to Prisons
P. Joskow.
Asset Specificity and the Structure of Vertical Relationships: Empirical Evidence