The Future of the Environment

In terms of population growth and resource use, humankind is living on the upper slopes of some awesome geometric curves. Current growth rates have certain areas of the world doubling their population every 25 years. What is at risk is no less than the future of the whole globe. It will be hard for the world to avoid a demographic trauma. It is very difficult to motivate people when there is uncertainty and when the problem will manifest itself in the future. We really do not know what limits there are to population growth or resource use, and at what point ecological disaster takes over, but there are clearly limits on certain nonrenewables such as energy, land, and water. Additionally, humankind must decide how it will deal with a large number of environmental challenges: depletion of the protective ozone layer, global warming, deforestation, soil erosion, spreading deserts, and pollution of land, air, and water. To begin making the required changes, people must educate themselves and then educate each other.