The neural crest is a transient population of cells that is induced by the canonical Wnt, BMB, FGF, Notch and the retinoic acid signaling pathways at the border between the neural and nonneural ectoderm. Neural crest cells undergo extensive ventral migration to participate in the formation of multiple tissues and organs. In Xenopus laevis, detailed observations of the different phases of cranial neural crest (CNC) cell migration have shown that these cells initiate the ventral migration as a cohesive tissue. Due to the cohesive nature of this cell population, it is possible to dissect the CNC before they initiate migration and either graft them back into a host embryo or place them on various substrates in vitro. In both cases, cells from the CNC explant start migrating as a cohesive sheet maintaining contact with each other. This initial phase lasts between 3–5 h until finally the cells lose contact and migrate as individuals. These two distinct migratory phases make the CNC a powerful model to study how cohesive cell migration is regulated, as well as the switch involved in the transition to single cell migration. In Xenopus, contrary to what is known about the trunk neural crest, the CNC is never included in the neural tube, but instead migrates from the border of the

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