Maximizing Science in the Era of LSST: A Community-Based Study of Needed US Capabilities

The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) will be a discovery machine for the astronomy and physics communities, revealing astrophysical phenomena from the Solar System to the outer reaches of the observable Universe. While many discoveries will be made using LSST data alone, taking full scientific advantage of LSST will require ground-based optical-infrared (OIR) supporting capabilities, e.g., observing time on telescopes, instrumentation, computing resources, and other infrastructure. This community-based study identifies, from a science-driven perspective, capabilities that are needed to maximize LSST science. Expanding on the initial steps taken in the 2015 OIR System Report, the study takes a detailed, quantitative look at the capabilities needed to accomplish six representative LSST-enabled science programs that connect closely with scientific priorities from the 2010 decadal surveys. The study prioritizes the resources needed to accomplish the science programs and highlights ways that existing, planned, and future resources could be positioned to accomplish the science goals.

Puragra Guhathakurta | Elise Jennings | David Trilling | Erik J. Tollerud | Mark Giampapa | Ruth Angus | Thomas Matheson | Rachel Street | Adam Bolton | Mark Dickinson | Eric Gawiser | Gregory Rudnick | Rachel Mandelbaum | Vishnu Reddy | Kathryn V. Johnston | Alex Drlica-Wagner | Joan Najita | Jennifer L. Hoffman | David Ciardi | James R. A. Davenport | Scott S. Sheppard | Vinay Kashyap | Jay Elias | Derek Buzasi | Beth Willman | Jeffrey A. Newman | Bryan W. Miller | Branimir Sesar | Douglas P. Finkbeiner | Joshua D. Simon | David J. Sand | Wen-fai Fong | Lori Feaga | John O'Meara | Will Dawson | Constance M. Rockosi | J. Trump | A. Bolton | J. Davenport | S. Hawley | J. Newman | C. Schafer | P. Marshall | R. Mandelbaum | E. Jennings | A. Drlica-Wagner | S. Schmidt | R. Foley | E. Gawiser | S. Ridgway | D. Trilling | B. Willman | R. Angus | D. Buzasi | W. Fong | M. Giampapa | V. Kashyap | T. Matheson | S. Meibom | R. Street | J. Simon | D. Sand | M. Dickinson | E. Bell | D. Finkbeiner | B. Sesar | D. Ciardi | B. Miller | E. Tollerud | E. Linder | C. Rockosi | J. Najita | W. Dawson | A. D. Linden | V. Reddy | K. Johnston | L. Feaga | Ting S. Li | S. Sheppard | D. Erb | P. Guhathakurta | G. Rudnick | H. Hsieh | J. O’Meara | J. Hoffman | Eric F. Bell | Ryan J. Foley | Cristina A. Thomas | Suzanne Hawley | Phil Marshall | Dawn Erb | Anja von der Linden | Chad Schafer | Eric Linder | J. Elias | Henry Hsieh | Soren Meibom | Steve Ridgway | Sam Schmidt | Jon Trump | C. Thomas | A. V. D. Linden | B. Miller