Mutations in CUL4B, which encodes a ubiquitin E3 ligase subunit, cause an X-linked mental retardation syndrome associated with aggressive outbursts, seizures, relative macrocephaly, central obesity, hypogonadism, pes cavus, and tremor.

We have identified three truncating, two splice-site, and three missense variants at conserved amino acids in the CUL4B gene on Xq24 in 8 of 250 families with X-linked mental retardation (XLMR). During affected subjects' adolescence, a syndrome emerged with delayed puberty, hypogonadism, relative macrocephaly, moderate short stature, central obesity, unprovoked aggressive outbursts, fine intention tremor, pes cavus, and abnormalities of the toes. This syndrome was first described by Cazebas et al., in a family that was included in our study and that carried a CUL4B missense variant. CUL4B is a ubiquitin E3 ligase subunit implicated in the regulation of several biological processes, and CUL4B is the first XLMR gene that encodes an E3 ubiquitin ligase. The relatively high frequency of CUL4B mutations in this series indicates that it is one of the most commonly mutated genes underlying XLMR and suggests that its introduction into clinical diagnostics should be a high priority.

Andrew Menzies | Keiran Raine | Sarah Edkins | Sara Widaa | Rebecca Shepherd | Susan Holder | Richard Wooster | David Jones | Patrick S Tarpey | Douglas F Easton | Michael R Stratton | Syd Barthorpe | Rachel Harrison | Adam Butler | Kristian Gray | F Lucy Raymond | Jennifer Cole | Jill Clayton-Smith | Jenny Moon | Martin Bobrow | Marie Shaw | M. Shaw | J. Gécz | M. Stratton | P. Futreal | R. Wooster | S. O'meara | S. Edkins | J. Teague | A. Menzies | D. Easton | P. Tarpey | A. Butler | David Jones | K. Raine | J. Clayton-Smith | R. Stevenson | C. Schwartz | S. Barthorpe | G. Buck | T. Mironenko | R. Shepherd | J. Hurst | E. Dicks | M. Bobrow | S. West | S. Widaa | U. Mallya | J. Moon | C. Stevens | M. Partington | G. Turner | F. Raymond | S. Holder | T. Avis | J. Cole | K. Gray | K. Halliday | R. Harrison | K. Hills | A. Jenkinson | J. Perry | David Richardson | Alexandra Small | C. Tofts | J. Varian | B. Kerr | A. Srivastava | Ying Luo | L. Vandeleur | J. Boyle | S. Smithson | Sarah O'Meara | Jon Teague | Ed Dicks | Claire Stevens | Calli Tofts | Tim Avis | Gemma Buck | Kelly Halliday | Katy Hills | Andrew Jenkinson | Tatiana Mironenko | Janet Perry | David Richardson | Alexandra Small | Jennifer Varian | Sofie West | Uma Mallya | Ying Luo | Sarah F Smithson | Jane A Hurst | Bronwyn Kerr | Jackie Boyle | Lucianne Vandeleur | Jayson Rodriguez | Rachel Slaugh | Anand K Srivastava | Roger E Stevenson | Charles E Schwartz | Gillian Turner | Jozef Gecz | P Andrew Futreal | Michael Partington | Jayson D. Rodriguez | R. Slaugh | Rachel E. Harrison | Rebecca Shepherd | Lucianne Vandeleur | A. Srivastava | Kelly Halliday | Calli Tofts | Jenny Moon | Jackie Boyle | S. O’Meara

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