LADAR scene projector for hardware-in-the-loop testing
Future types of direct detection LADAR seekers will employ focal plane arrays in their receivers. Existing LADAR scene projection technology cannot meet the needs of testing these types of seekers in a Hardware-in-the-Loop environment. It is desired that the simulated LADAR return signals generated by the projection hardware be representative of the complex targets and background of a real LADAR image. A LADAR scene projector has been developed that is capable of meeting these demanding test needs. It can project scenes of simulated 2D LADAR return signals without scanning. In addition, each pixel in the projection can be represented by a 'complex' optical waveform, which can be delivered with sub-nanosecond precision. Finally, the modular nature of the projector allows it to be configured to operate at different wavelengths. This paper describes the LADAR Scene Projector and its full capabilities.