Comparison of Surgical Treatment and Conservative Approach for Type III Acromioclavicular Dislocations

ABS TRACT Ob jec ti ve: In this study, we ai med to com pa re the ef fec ti ve ness and the re sults of sur gi cal (mo di fi ed We a ver-Dunn) and con ser va ti ve tre at ment tech ni qu es for Rock wo od type III ac ro mi oc la vi cu lar dis lo ca ti on. Ma te ri al and Met hods: Thirty fo ur pa ti ents with ac ro mi oc la vi cu lar dis lo ca ti on we re inc lu ded in this study. The me an age was 43.6 ± 10.2 ye ars (range 21-60). Mo di fi ed We a ver-Dunn tech ni qu e was per for med on 17 pa ti ents. The me an ope ra ti on ti me after the tra u ma was 12 ± 6.9 days (range 3-24 days). The re ma i ning 17 pa ti ents we re tre a ted con ser va ti vely with an ac ro mi oc la vi cu lar ban da ge. The ran ge of mo ti on and streng the ning of the sho ul der musc les star ted du ring the sixth we ek of tre at ment in both gro ups. The me an fol low up period of both gro ups was 32.8 ± 12.1 months (range 12-72). Re sults: No comp li ca ti on oc cur red in eit her gro ups. Ac cor ding to Po i gen furst’s cri te ri a, the re sults we re clas si fi ed as go od or ex cel lent in both gro ups. No sta tis ti cally sig ni fi cant dif fe ren ce was fo und bet we en the re sults of the gro ups ac cor ding to Po i gen furst’s cri te ri a (p> 0.05). Conc lu si on: Tre at ment mo da li ti es of type III ac ro mi oc la vi cu lar dis lo ca ti on re ma in con tro ver si al. Sa tis fac tory re sults ha ve be en re por ted when Mo di fi ed We a verDunn tech ni qu es we re per for med ini ti ally to yo ung, ac ti ve, la bo rer and ath le tes with ac ro mi oc la vi cu lar dis lo ca ti on of the do mi nant ex tre mity. In this study, we did not find a sig ni fi cant dif fe ren ce bet we en sur gi cal tre at ment and con ser va ti ve ap pro ach in terms of me a su re ments of func ti o nal out co mes. We conc lu ded that the tre at ment of sta ge III dis lo ca ti on can be mo di fi ed ac cor ding to the per so nal characteristics and the ex pec ta ti ons of the pa ti ent. Cur rent da ta indicates that both tre at ment mo da li ti es can be sa tis fac tory.

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