Stopping power of nonmonochromatic heavy-ion clusters with two-ion correlation effects.

In this Reply it is claimed that, although in the Comment by Tkachenko, Mu{tilde n}oz-Cobo, and Mu{tilde n}oz, a full random-phase (RP) analysis of the problem of the stopping power of an expanding charged ion cluster is presented, the main conclusions drawn by these authors are substantially identical to those of our paper [Phys. Rev. E {bold 51}, R2755 (1995)], where only collective effects were considered. Indeed, the strong enhancement of the stopping power of the ion cluster with respect to that evaluated for the same number of uncorrelated projectiles at high velocity, and the decreasing two-ion correlation effect for increasing velocity spread and interaction time, are already predicted in our paper. The full RP approximation makes the behavior of the stopping power at slightly suprathermal velocities more regular. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}