A compact frequency reconfigurable antenna applied to WLAN/WiMAX

A frequency reconfigurable antenna for WLAN/WiMAX applications is proposed. Frequency reconfigurable can be achieved by the transform of two PIN diodes switch on the ground slot. The proposed frequency reconfigurable antenna operates in WLAN 2.4 GHz band (2400–2484MHz) and WIMAX 2.5 GHz (2500–2690MHz). When both diodes were disconnected, and operates in WLAN 5.2 GHz (5150–5350MHz) and WIMAX 3.5GHz (3400–3690 MHz)/ 5.5 GHz (5250–5850 MHz) when both diodes were closed. PIN switches on or off can affect antenna's feeding structure, which can solve matching problem caused by change of antenna radiation body structure. In this way, the proposed antenna has good reconfigurable characteristic and high radiation gain.

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