Exciting understanding in Pompeii through on-site parallel interaction with dual time virtual models

Communication effectiveness and reconstruction validation are two important goals faced by archaeologists. This paper shows how these targets can be reached more easily by means of a mobile and user-centric fruition system designed with both the visitor's and the archaeologist's needs in mind. This system, called MUSE(1), consists of interactive multimedia tablets connected to a site control centre by a wireless link. Virtual models based on reconstructive hypotheses made by the archaeologists can be enjoyed on-site. Fruition may occur both on the mobile tablet and on conveniently located high-performance display stations radio-controlled by the tablet itself. The system allows for immediate comparison between present and original reality through simultaneous surfing of two synchronised virtual reconstructions. Natural and easy navigation in the virtual worlds is achieved by making the tablet sensitive to its rotation with respect to two axes.This paper shows how the proposed navigation metaphor supports the archaeologist in reconstruction validation and drives the visitor to an easy and engaging learning experience. The system will be demonstrated at the "Casa del Centenario" in Pompeii.