and Engineering Approach to Offshore Collaboration

of traps to avoid. Technical managers andproject leaders and managers can apply ourfindings to help ensure consistency, institute acommon approach, and develop best practicesaround global collaboration.We present a practitioner’s view of ourmodel for offshore development and insightsinto our management and engineering tech-niques, which can be replicated in other envi-ronments. This article adds to the existing lit-erature by providing a structural frameworkand the guidelines necessary to maintain thequality of offshore engagements.We have over 35 years of combined soft-ware development experience in settings fromstart-ups to Fortune 10 R&D. We also haveexperience teaching software engineering anddeveloping new ideas and processes in thefield. Additionally, we’ve both managed nu-merous offshore projects over the past decade,working with a variety of partners in China,the UK, India, and Japan.