Lateral Load Resistance Evaluation of Wood- and Steel-Stud Partition Shear Walls

This paper summarizes the findings of an experimental study to characterize the cyclic racking and monotonic loading performance of wood-stud and steel-stud wall specimens, which were sheathed on both faces with gypsum wall board (GWB). Some specimens were finished with joint compound at the GWB joints and over screw heads. The study provided data on monotonic and cyclic hysteresis load-displacement relationships. Based on the visual inspection of the specimens during the tests, several aspects of the failure modes were noted. Shear-load capacity and drift capacities were determined based on the envelope curves of the hysteresis cycles. A comparison of the envelope curves for steel-stud and wood-stud specimens provided insight as to the relative behaviors of the two wall system types, including capacity, measures of ductility, and energy dissipation. Finally, the study provided better understanding of the effects of finishing GWB joints on the shear capacity of the wall systems.