How High Is Your Return on Management

A new metric is developed to assess the effectivity of expended managerial energy on developing and implementing new business strategies. The return of management metric is similar to the return on equity or return on asset measures but emphasizes the effective allocation of managerial energies, especially in optimizing energies on alternatives. This new metric forces managers to attend not only pressing matters but to place such matters within the corporate goal. Access from your library This is a preview. Get the full text through your school or public library. Source Citation Source Citation Simons, Robert, and Antonio Davila. "How high is your return on management?" Harvard Business Review, vol. 76, no. 1, 1998, p. 70+. Accessed 28 Nov. 2020. Gale Document Number: GALE|A20346007 Explore This is a preview. Get the full text through your school or public library. Access from your library