Ice Core Archives of Mineral Dust

[1]  D. Muhs The geologic records of dust in the Quaternary , 2013 .

[2]  A. Neftel,et al.  Continuous Impurity Analysis Along the Dye 3 Deep Core , 2013 .

[3]  Kenji Kawamura,et al.  Eemian interglacial reconstructed from a Greenland folded ice core , 2013, Nature.

[4]  David E. Barnes,et al.  Aerosols and their sources at Summit Greenland – First results of continuous size- and time-resolved sampling , 2012 .

[5]  M. Frezzotti,et al.  Interpreting last glacial to Holocene dust changes at Talos Dome (East Antarctica): implications for atmospheric variations from regional to hemispheric scales , 2012 .

[6]  H. Fischer,et al.  On the impact of impurities on the densification of polar firn , 2012 .

[7]  S. Johnsen,et al.  A detailed framework of Marine Isotope Stages 4 and 5 volcanic events recorded in two Greenland ice-cores , 2012 .

[8]  B. Delmonte,et al.  Magnetization of polar ice: a measurement of terrestrial dust and extraterrestrial fallout , 2012 .

[9]  H. Fischer,et al.  Change in dust variability in the Atlantic sector of Antarctica at the end of the last deglaciation , 2012 .

[10]  S. Johnsen,et al.  Annual layering in the NGRIP ice core during the Eemian , 2011 .

[11]  J. Baker,et al.  Experimental investigation of the effects of mineral dust on the reproducibility and accuracy of ice core trace element analyses , 2011 .

[12]  Liping Zhu,et al.  Variations in trace element (including rare earth element) concentrations with grain sizes in loess and their implications for tracing the provenance of eolian deposits , 2011 .

[13]  Anders Svensson,et al.  Optimization of high-resolution continuous flow analysis for transient climate signals in ice cores. , 2011, Environmental science & technology.

[14]  D. Dahl-Jensen,et al.  Seasonal variations of snow chemistry at NEEM, Greenland , 2011, Annals of Glaciology.

[15]  M. Frezzotti,et al.  Aeolian dust in the Talos Dome ice core (East Antarctica, Pacific/Ross Sea sector): Victoria Land versus remote sources over the last two climate cycles , 2010 .

[16]  E. Wolff,et al.  Millennial-scale variability during the last glacial: The ice core record , 2010 .

[17]  Ariel F. Stein,et al.  A combined observational and modeling approach to study modern dust transport from the Patagonia desert to East Antarctica , 2010 .

[18]  T. Stocker,et al.  Isotopic tracing (Sr, Nd, U and Hf) of continental and marine aerosols in an 18th century section of the Dye-3 ice core (Greenland) , 2010 .

[19]  A. Bory,et al.  Multiple sources supply eolian mineral dust to the Atlantic sector of coastal Antarctica: Evidence from recent snow layers at the top of Berkner Island ice sheet , 2010 .

[20]  M. Norman,et al.  Lead isotopic evidence for an Australian source of aeolian dust to Antarctica at times over the last 170,000 years , 2010 .

[21]  Johannes Freitag,et al.  Polar ice structure and the integrity of ice-core paleoclimate records , 2010 .

[22]  H. Fischer,et al.  A major glacial-interglacial change in aeolian dust composition inferred from Rare Earth Elements in Antarctic ice , 2010 .

[23]  P. Gabrielli,et al.  Lead isotopic compositions in the EPICA Dome C ice core and Southern Hemisphere Potential Source Areas , 2010 .

[24]  B. Delmonte,et al.  Coherent composition of glacial dust on opposite sides of the East Antarctic Plateau inferred from the deep EPICA ice cores , 2009 .

[25]  S. Kaspari,et al.  A High-Resolution Record of Atmospheric Dust Composition and Variability since a.d. 1650 from a Mount Everest Ice Core , 2009 .

[26]  H. Fischer,et al.  Proxies and measurement techniques for mineral dust in Antarctic ice cores. , 2008, Environmental science & technology.

[27]  B. Delmonte,et al.  Ice magnetization in the EPICA‐Dome C ice core: Implication for dust sources during glacial and interglacial periods , 2008 .

[28]  J. McConnell,et al.  Delineation of carbonate dust, aluminous dust, and sea salt deposition in a Greenland glaciochemical array using positive matrix factorization , 2008 .

[29]  M. Bigler,et al.  Dust-climate couplings over the past 800,000 years from the EPICA Dome C ice core , 2008, Nature.

[30]  Kenneth C. McGwire,et al.  Dating annual layers of a shallow Antarctic ice core with an optical scanner , 2008, Journal of Glaciology.

[31]  Kenji Kawamura,et al.  The EDC3 chronology for the EPICA Dome C ice core , 2007 .

[32]  R. Röthlisberger,et al.  Reconstruction of millennial changes in dust emission, transport and regional sea ice coverage using the deep EPICA ice cores from the Atlantic and Indian Ocean sector of Antarctica , 2007 .

[33]  W. Balsam,et al.  Nd and Sr isotopic characteristics of Chinese deserts: Implications for the provenances of Asian dust , 2007 .

[34]  Sungmin Hong,et al.  The impact of climatic conditions on Pb and Sr isotopic ratios found in Greenland ice, 7–150 ky BP , 2007 .

[35]  H. Fischer,et al.  Soluble and insoluble lithium dust in the EPICA DomeC ice core—Implications for changes of the East Antarctic dust provenance during the recent glacial–interglacial transition , 2007 .

[36]  J. McConnell,et al.  20th-Century doubling in dust archived in an Antarctic Peninsula ice core parallels climate change and desertification in South America , 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[37]  T. Hinkley Lead (Pb) in old Antarctic ice: Some from dust, some from other sources , 2007 .

[38]  R. Röthlisberger,et al.  Glacial/interglacial changes in mineral dust and sea‐salt records in polar ice cores: Sources, transport, and deposition , 2007 .

[39]  B. Delmonte,et al.  6. Late quaternary interglacials in East Antarctica from ice-core dust records , 2007 .

[40]  M. Claussen,et al.  The climate of past interglacials , 2007 .

[41]  Marie-Louise Siggaard-Andersen,et al.  The Greenland Ice Core Chronology 2005, 15-42 ka. Part 1: constructing the time scale , 2006 .

[42]  P. Sedwick,et al.  Iron in ice cores from Law Dome: A record of atmospheric iron deposition for maritime East Antarctica during the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum , 2006 .

[43]  F. Grousset,et al.  Eastern Australia: A possible source of dust in East Antarctica interglacial ice , 2006 .

[44]  R. Röthlisberger,et al.  Aerosol deposited in East Antarctica over the last glacial cycle: Detailed apportionment of continental and sea-salt contributions , 2006 .

[45]  Marie-Louise Siggaard-Andersen,et al.  A new Greenland ice core chronology for the last glacial termination , 2006 .

[46]  A. Mannini,et al.  Chemical composition and physical features of summer aerosol at Terra Nova Bay and Dome C, Antarctica. , 2005, Journal of environmental monitoring : JEM.

[47]  F. Grousset,et al.  Tracing dust sources and transport patterns using Sr, Nd and Pb isotopes , 2005 .

[48]  Anders Svensson,et al.  Visual stratigraphy of the North Greenland Ice Core Project (NorthGRIP) ice core during the last glacial period , 2005 .

[49]  P. Gabrielli,et al.  A 220 kyr record of Pb isotopes at Dome C Antarctica from analyses of the EPICA ice core , 2005 .

[50]  J Schwander,et al.  High-resolution record of Northern Hemisphere climate extending into the last interglacial period , 2004, Nature.

[51]  V. Lipenkov,et al.  Dust size evidence for opposite regional atmospheric circulation changes over east Antarctica during the last climatic transition , 2004 .

[52]  Warren R. L. Cairns,et al.  Determination of Ir and Pt down to the sub-femtogram per gram level in polar ice by ICP-SFMS using preconcentration and a desolvation system , 2004 .

[53]  F. Grousset,et al.  Comparing the Epica and Vostok dust records during the last 220,000 years: stratigraphical correlation and provenance in glacial periods , 2004 .

[54]  C. Barbante,et al.  Elemental indicators of natural and anthropogenic aerosol inputs to Law Dome, Antarctica , 2004, Annals of Glaciology.

[55]  C. Barbante,et al.  Aluminium and iron record for the last 28 kyr derived from the Antarctic EDC96 ice core using new CFA methods , 2004, Annals of Glaciology.

[56]  J. Steffensen,et al.  Continuous record of microparticle concentration and size distribution in the central Greenland NGRIP ice core during the last glacial period , 2003 .

[57]  K. Rosman,et al.  The lead pollution history of Law Dome, Antarctica, from isotopic measurements on ice cores: 1500 AD to 1989 AD , 2002 .

[58]  A. Gaudichet,et al.  Mineral particles content in recent snow at Summit (Greenland) , 2002 .

[59]  D. R. Hardy,et al.  Kilimanjaro Ice Core Records: Evidence of Holocene Climate Change in Tropical Africa , 2002, Science.

[60]  B. Delmonte,et al.  Glacial to Holocene implications of the new 27000-year dust record from the EPICA Dome C (East Antarctica) ice core , 2002 .

[61]  Francis E. Grousset,et al.  Seasonal variability in the origin of recent atmospheric mineral dust at NorthGRIP, Greenland , 2002 .

[62]  D. J. Mackey,et al.  Recent advances in measurement of Pb isotopes in polar ice and snow at sub-picogram per gram concentrations using thermal ionisation mass spectrometry , 2002 .

[63]  B. Delmonte,et al.  LGM–Holocene changes and Holocene millennial-scale oscillations of dust particles in the EPICA Dome C ice core, East Antarctica , 2002, Annals of Glaciology.

[64]  K. Rosman Chapter 4 – Natural isotopic variations in lead in polar snow and ice as indicators of source regions , 2001 .

[65]  D. Walton,et al.  Environmental contamination in Antarctica : a challenge to analytical chemistry , 2001 .

[66]  Thompson,et al.  A high-resolution millennial record of the south asian monsoon from himalayan ice cores , 2000, Science.

[67]  F. Grousset,et al.  Characterization of late glacial continental dust in the Greenland Ice Core Project ice core , 2000 .

[68]  E. Wolff,et al.  Timescales for dust variability in the Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) ice core in the last 100,000 years , 1999 .

[69]  J. Jouzel,et al.  Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica , 1999, Nature.

[70]  Thompson,et al.  A 25,000-year tropical climate history from bolivian ice cores , 1998, Science.

[71]  J. Steffensen The size distribution of microparticles from selected segments of the Greenland Ice Core Project ice core representing different climatic periods , 1997 .

[72]  M. Ram,et al.  Continuous dust concentration profile of pre‐Holocene ice from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 ice core: Dust stadials, interstadials, and the Eemian , 1997 .

[73]  R. Alley,et al.  Grain‐scale processes, folding, and stratigraphic disturbance in the GISP2 ice core , 1997 .

[74]  Francis E. Grousset,et al.  Asian provenance of glacial dust (stage 2) in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project 2 Ice Core , 1997 .

[75]  L. D. Meeker,et al.  Major features and forcing of high‐latitude northern hemisphere atmospheric circulation using a 110,000‐year‐long glaciochemical series , 1997 .

[76]  F. Grousset,et al.  Patagonian origin of glacial dust deposited in East Antarctica (Vostok and Dome C) during glacial stages 2, 4 and 6 , 1997 .

[77]  E. Mosley‐Thompson,et al.  Late Glacial Stage and Holocene Tropical Ice Core Records from Huascar�n, Peru , 1995, Science.

[78]  E. Mosley‐Thompson,et al.  Climate since AD 1510 on Dyer Plateau, Antarctic Peninsula: evidence for recent climate change , 1994, Annals of Glaciology.

[79]  J. Jouzel,et al.  Comparison of oxygen isotope records from the GISP2 and GRIP Greenland ice cores , 1993, Nature.

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[81]  J. Jouzel,et al.  Antarctic (Dome C) ice-core dust at 18 k.y. B.P.: Isotopic constraints on origins , 1992 .

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[83]  E. Mosley‐Thompson,et al.  Holocene—Late Pleistocene Climatic Ice Core Records from Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau , 1989, Science.

[84]  M. Maurette,et al.  Characteristics and mass distribution of extraterrestrial dust from the Greenland ice cap , 1987, Nature.

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[89]  A. Royer,et al.  Ice age aerosol content from East Antarctic ice core samples and past wind strength , 1981, Nature.

[90]  Niels Reeh,et al.  Dating of Greenland Ice Cores by Flow Models, Isotopes, Volcanic Debris, and Continental Dust , 1978, Journal of Glaciology.

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