PRICAI '96 : topics in artificial intelligence : 4th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Cairns, Australia, August 26-30, 1996 : proceedings
A general framework for mechanizing induction using test set.- Inductive equational reasoning.- Cost-sensitive specialization.- Efficient multiple predicate learner based on fast failure mechanism.- Acquiring user preferences for information filtering in interactive multi-media services.- The development of an interactive fault diagnosis expert system for telecommunication applications.- An intelligent education system which supports scientific thinking: Galileo - Philosophy and basic architecture.- A unified approach to handling uncertainty during cooperative consultations.- Declarative program theory with implicit implication.- Knowledge decomposition: An analysis.- The concept classification of a terminology extended by conjunction and disjunction.- Extending partial orders for sort reasoning.- An update procedure for a probabilistic deductive database.- A framework for reasoning about requirements evolution.- An application of hierarchical knowledge integration in hand-written form processing.- AMI: A model of intelligence.- Symbol processing by non-symbol processor.- Fall diagnosis using dynamic belief networks.- Remembrance of discourse based on textual continuity: A spreading activation network.- Lexical access using minimum message length encoding.- Using neural nets to investigate lexical analysis.- Validity of normality assumption in CSP research.- An improved generic arc consistency algorithm and its specializations.- High-level synthesis optimisation with genetic algorithms.- A qualitative reasoning based on an ontology of fluid systems and its evaluation.- Parallel cost-based abductive reasoning for distributed memory systems.- A history-oriented envisioning method.- Team learning of recursive languages.- Combining views on concepts in unsupervised concept learning.- The complexity of batch approaches to reduced error rule set induction.- Learning simple recursive concepts by discovering missing examples.- On semantic resolution with lemmaizing and contraction.- Tableaux for expansion and contraction.- Translating machine-generated resolution proofs into ND-proofs at the assertion level.- Evidential temporal representations and reasoning.- Using artificial neural networks for meteor-burst communications trail prediction.- Modeling commonsense rules in an inference network.- Adaptive SEJONG-NET for on-line Hangul recognition.- A unified algebraic structure for uncertain reasonings.- Exten: A system for computing default logic extensions.- A logic for concurrent events and action failure.- Domain world models represented from variable viewpoints for ICAI systems of high-school chemistry.- Creating theoretical terms for non-deterministic actions.- Conservative expansion concepts for default theories.- On formation of exception hierarchy.- Anytime default inference.- Studying properties of classes of default logics - Preliminary report.- Learning cooperative behavior in multi-agent environment a case study of choice of play-plans in soccer.- CiFi: An intelligent agent for citation finding on the World-Wide Web.- Automatic making of Sokoban problems.- Bringing about rationality: Incorporating plans into a BDI agent architecture.- An architecture for autonomous flying vehicles: A preliminary report.- Face recognition through hough transform for irises extraction and projection procedures for parts localization for facial caricaturing system PICASSO.- Extraction of face region and features based on chromatic properties of human faces.- A fast pattern-matching algorithm using matching candidates for production systems.