Spin-Driven Resistance in Organic-Based Magnetic Semiconductor V[TCNE]x

summary, we have successfully produced highly ordered arrays of single-crystalline antimony nanowires with diameters of 40 nm in porous anodic alumina membranes by pulsed electrodeposition. The results of XRD and HRTEM indicate that the nanowires have a uniform hexagonal antimony single-crystalline structure and grow along the [112 Å 0] direction. The resistance at zero magnetic field demonstrates that single-crystalline antimony nanowires with diameters of 40 nm remain metallic in character. It would be very interesting to produce a metal±semiconductor nanowire heterogeneous junction array consisting of antimony metal and bismuth semiconductor. Further work is under way. Experimental The AAM was prepared as follows: high purity (99.999 %) aluminum was electropolished at 23 V in a mixture solution of 70 % perchloric acid and etha-nol (1:9) at 4 C for 2 min. Anodization was carried out at 40 V DC in 0.25 M aqueous oxalic acid electrolyte at 7 C. After the anodization, the central sub-strate was removed in a saturated SnCl 4 solution, and the surrounding aluminum was retained as a support. Then the barrier was dissolved in 6 wt.-% phos-phoric acid solution at 30 C for 60 min. Finally, a layer of Au was sputtered onto one side of the AAM to serve as the working electrode. Field-emission microscopy observations indicate that the AAM is an almost perfect hexagonally arranged nanochannel array with a channel diameter of ~ 40 nm. The antimony plating solution consisted of 0.02 The antimony nanowire arrays were observed using a field emission microscope (JEOL JSM-6700F) and a transmission electron microscope (JEOL 200CX and JEL 2010). For TEM analysis, the specimens were prepared by dissolving the AAMs with 5 wt.-% NaOH solution, dispersing the antimony nano-wires in ethanol by ultrasonic vibration, and then placing drops of the dispersion on carbon films on a copper grid. The FEM specimen was obtained by dissolving the upper part of the AAM with 5 wt.-% NaOH solution. The X-ray diffraction spectrum was obtained using a rotating anode X-ray diffractometer (D/MAX-rA) with Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.542 Š). The electrical resistance was measured by the standard DC four-probe method in the temperature range from 20 K to 273 K. In the past decade there has been extensive progress in using the spin property of electrons in inorganic multilayers as a means of introducing revolutionary new types of electronics (e.g., spin valves, spin light-emitting diodes) termed spin-tronics. [1] Challenges including improved …