Compound attack-aware routing and wavelength assignment against power jamming

Transparent optical networks (TONs) are susceptible to deliberate physical-layer attacks, such as high-power jamming, which can take advantage of certain vulnerabilities of the network fundamental physical components. Combined with the high data rates employed in TONs and the difficulties of monitoring in the optical domain, these attacks can cause significant damage to the functioning of the network before reaction mechanisms are triggered, and call for new methods of increasing network security through careful network planning. In our previous work, we have considered adding attack-awareness as an objective in individual phases of the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) process. Here, we propose a new compound objective criterion for RWA, called the Maximum Attack Radius (maxAR), which is being minimized through both phases of RWA. We compare our algorithm with existing RWA approaches with different degrees of attack-awareness and show that it significantly decreases network vulnerability to high-power jamming attacks.