Sorption equilibrium of a solid desiccant felt and the effect of sorption properties on a cooled-bed desiccant cooling system

Abstract The equilibrium sorption isotherms of a silica gel matrix manufactured in the form of a desiccant felt are experimentally determined as a function of temperature and relative humidity. Using the data, the differential heat of sorption and the integral heat of wetting are calculated. These results then are used as property data in a numerical model of the nonlinear heat and mass transfer processes that occur in a cooled-bed, desiccant dehumidifier which is the principal component of a low temperature (i.e. typically 60–65°C) thermally activated desiccant cooling system. Using the numerical model, the effect of variations in the equilibrium isotherm shape and the heat of sorption on the performance of the desiccant cooling system are also documented.