Evolution of Enterprise Systems

The concept of ES (enterprise system) designed to support the functionality of enterprise has a significant step forward in the long history of technology assisted business process integration. The concepts such as MRP I and MRP II. were elaborated to assist business managers by integrating various business planning processes mainly in the topics of logistics and manufacturing. The first breakthrough in the system development was the Enterprise Resources Planning management concept and application system. ERP which, like other new technologies have evaluated over several the years. It was a gradual and continuous development without considerable changes, except the SCM and APS. The radical transformation of economic environment -at the beginning of the current centaury -forced the business stakeholders to elaborate new business models and tightly aligned information technology. At present we are witnesses to and active participants of a new paradigm shift. On the business side the agility and the flexibility are the key features. On the technology (ICT) side two emerging architecture are on the horizon: the web based SOA -service oriented architecture and the BPMS -business process management suites. Our visions are that the "business and IT gap" will be disappeared in the near future, the business oriented information systems dominate the enterprises, the IT systems are the main enablers of the value chains in-and outside of the companies.