The Language of Early Childhood

Part One: Infancy and Protolanguage 1. Representing the Child as a Semiotic Being 2. Learning How to Mean 3. Early Language Learning: A Sociolinguistic Approach 4. A Sociosemiotic Perspective on Language Development 5. Meaning and the Construction of Reality in Early Childhood 6. The Ontogenesis of Dialogue Part Two: Transition from Child Tongue to Mother Tongue 7. Into the Adult Language 8. The Contribution of Developmental Linguistics to the Interpretation of Language as a System 9. On the Transition from Child Tongue to Mother Tongue 10. A Systemic-Functional Interpretation of the Nature and Ontogenesis of Dialogue 11. The Place of Dialogue in Children's Construction of Meaning Part Three: Early Language and Learning 12. Relevant Models of Language 13. The Social Context of Language Development 14. Three Aspects of Children's Language Development: Learning Language, Learning through Language, Learning about Language 15. Towards a Language-Based Theory of Learning 16. Grammar and the Construction of Educational Knowledge.