Smart Process Plants: Software and Hardware Solutions for Accurate Data and Profitable Operations

Chapter 1. Smart Plants Chapter 2. Measurement Errors Chapter 3. Variable Classification Chapter 4. Material Balance Data Reconciliation Chapter 5. Gross Error Detection Chapter 6. Equivalency of Gross Errors Chapter 7. Gross Error Size Elimination and Estimation Chapter 8. Nonlinear Data Reconciliation Chapter 9. Dynamic Data Reconciliation Chapter 10. Accuracy of Estimators Chapter 11. Ecomimic VEconomic Accuracy Chapter 12. Data Reconciliation Practical Issues Chapter 13. Value of Control Strategies Chapter 14. Value of Parametric Fault Identification Chapter 15. Value of Instrumentation Upgrade--Monitoring and Faults Perspectives Chapter 16. Value of Instrumentation Upgrade--Control Perspective Chapter 17. Structural Faults and Value of Maintenance Chapter 18. Maintenance Optimization Chapter 19. Value and Optimization of Instrument Maintenance Index