HIRLAM-5 Scientific Documentation

Per Und en, Laura Rontu, Heikki Jarvinen, Peter Lynch, Javier Calvo, Gerard Cats, Joan Cuxart, Kalle Eerola, Carl Fortelius, Jose Antonio Garcia-Moya, Colin Jones, Geert Lenderlink, Aidan McDonald, Ray McGrath, Beatriz Navascues, Niels Woetman Nielsen, Viel degaard, Ernesto Rodriguez, Markku Rummukainen,Rein R~o~om, Kai Sattler, Bent Hansen Sass, Hannu Savijarvi, Ben Wichers Schreur, Robert Sigg, Han The, Aleksander Tijm

[1]  A. Hollingsworth,et al.  The statistical structure of short-range forecast errors as determined from radiosonde data Part II: The covariance of height and wind errors , 1986 .

[2]  Rein Room Nonhydrostatic Adiabatic Kernel For HIRLAM - Part I Fundamentals of nonhydrostatic dynamics in press , 1969 .

[3]  H. Savijärvi,et al.  Introducing the effective radius into a fast radiation scheme of a mesoscale model , 1999 .

[4]  M. Rummukainen,et al.  Modification of the HIRLAM radiation scheme for use in the Rossby Centre regional atmospheric climate model. , 2000 .

[5]  Hilding Sundqvist,et al.  Parameterization of Condensation and Associated Clouds in Models for Weather Prediction and General Circulation Simulation , 1988 .

[6]  G. Boer,et al.  Homogeneous and Isotropic Turbulence on the Sphere , 1983 .

[7]  William R. Cotton,et al.  A Numerical Investigation of Several Factors Contributing to the Observed Variable Intensity of Deep Convection over South Florida , 1980 .

[8]  N. McFarlane,et al.  The parametrization of drag induced by stratified flow over anisotropic orography , 2000 .

[9]  Chris Snyder,et al.  The Fronts and Atlantic Storm-Track Experiment (FASTEX) : Scientific objectives and experimental design , 1997 .

[10]  Nils Gustafsson,et al.  Three-dimensional variational data assimilation for a limited area model : Part I: General formulation and the background error constraint , 2001 .

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[12]  Martin Claussen,et al.  Flux aggregation at large scales: on the limits of validity of the concept of blending height , 1995 .

[13]  Andrew C. Lorenc,et al.  Objective quality control of observations using Bayesian methods. Theory, and a practical implementation , 1988 .

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[17]  D. Randall,et al.  A Semiempirical Cloudiness Parameterization for Use in Climate Models , 1996 .

[18]  Jean-François Mahfouf,et al.  The representation of soil moisture freezing and its impact on the stable boundary layer , 1999 .

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[20]  Lennart Bengtsson,et al.  Transient Climate Change Simulations with a Coupled Atmosphere–Ocean GCM Including the Tropospheric Sulfur Cycle , 1999 .

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[23]  M. Rummukainen,et al.  Downscaling of greenhouse gas induced climate change in two GCMs with the Rossby Centre regional climate model for northern Europe , 2001 .

[24]  W. A. Oost,et al.  Air‐sea exchange of water vapor and sensible heat: The Humidity Exchange Over the Sea (HEXOS) results , 1996 .

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[27]  M. Claussen,et al.  On the momentum forcing of a large-scale sea-ice model , 1993 .

[28]  Kuo-Nan Liou,et al.  Ice microphysics and climatic temperature feedback , 1995 .

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[38]  H. Ritchie,et al.  A Comparison of Spatially Averaged Eulerian and Semi-Lagrangian Treatments of Mountains , 1996 .

[39]  H. Sundqvist Inclusion of ice phase of hydrometeors in cloud parameterization for mesoscale and largescale models , 1993 .

[40]  A. Lindroth,et al.  A new land-surface treatment for HIRLAM — comparisons with NOPEX measurements , 1999 .

[41]  Jesper Heile Christensen,et al.  A Simple Framework for Testing the Quality of Atmospheric Limited-Area Models , 1995 .

[42]  Jean-François Mahfouf,et al.  A new snow parameterization for the Météo-France climate model: Part I: validation in stand-alone experiments , 1995 .

[43]  Markku Rummukainen,et al.  A synthesis of regional climate change simulations—A Scandinavian perspective , 2001 .

[44]  François Lott,et al.  A new subgrid‐scale orographic drag parametrization: Its formulation and testing , 1997 .

[45]  Jean-François Mahfouf,et al.  Analysis of Soil Moisture from Near-Surface Parameters: A Feasibility Study , 1991 .

[46]  An Examination of Alternative Extrapolations to Find the Departure Point Position in a “Two-Time-Level” Semi-Lagrangian Integration , 1999 .

[47]  K. Trenberth Using Atmospheric Budgets as a Constraint on Surface Fluxes , 1997 .

[48]  J. McBride,et al.  Verification of precipitation in weather systems: determination of systematic errors , 2000 .

[49]  John F. B. Mitchell,et al.  The second Hadley Centre coupled ocean-atmosphere GCM: model description, spinup and validation , 1997 .

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[57]  Martin Claussen,et al.  Estimation of areally-averaged surface fluxes , 1991 .

[58]  L. Berre Estimation of Synoptic and Mesoscale Forecast Error Covariances in a Limited-Area Model , 2000 .

[59]  J. Mahfouf,et al.  Inclusion of Gravitational Drainage in a Land Surface Scheme Based on the Force-Restore Method. , 1996 .

[60]  S. Larsen,et al.  On the Determination of the Neutral Drag Coefficient in the Convective Boundary Layer , 1998 .

[61]  Peter Lynch,et al.  Diabatic Digital-Filtering Initialization: Application to the HIRLAM Model , 1993 .

[62]  Rainfall prediction for a flooding event in Ireland caused by the remnants of Hurricane Charley , 2000 .

[63]  H. Charnock Wind stress on a water surface , 1955 .

[64]  W. A. Oost,et al.  The roughness of wind waves , 1991 .

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[68]  P. Undén Tropical data assimilation and analysis of divergence , 1989 .

[69]  J. Louis A parametric model of vertical eddy fluxes in the atmosphere , 1979 .

[70]  M. Rummukainen,et al.  A regional climate model for northern Europe: model description and results from the downscaling of two GCM control simulations , 2001 .

[71]  K. Döös,et al.  RCO – Rossby Centre regional Ocean climate model: model description (version 1.0) and first results from the hindcast period 1992/93 , 1999 .

[72]  A. Hollingsworth,et al.  Data Assimilation: the 1984/85 Revisions of the Ecmwf Mass and Wind Analysis , 1987 .

[73]  L. Mahrt,et al.  Momentum Transport by Gravity Waves , 1992 .

[74]  Yongxiang Hu,et al.  An Accurate Parameterization of the Radiative Properties of Water Clouds Suitable for Use in Climate Models , 1993 .

[75]  J. Fritsch,et al.  Numerical Prediction of Convectively Driven Mesoscale Pressure Systems. Part I: Convective Parameterization , 1980 .

[76]  A. Omstedt,et al.  Response of Baltic Sea ice to seasonal, interannual forcing and climate change , 1996 .

[77]  P. K. Taylor,et al.  Wind stress measurements from the open ocean , 1996 .

[78]  H. D. Orville,et al.  Bulk Parameterization of the Snow Field in a Cloud Model , 1983 .

[79]  Peter Lynch,et al.  Initialization of the HIRLAM Model Using a Digital Filter , 1992 .

[80]  J. Houghton,et al.  Climate change 1995: the science of climate change. , 1996 .

[81]  J. Garratt Review of Drag Coefficients over Oceans and Continents , 1977 .

[82]  Philip J. Rasch,et al.  A Comparison of the CCM3 Model Climate Using Diagnosed and Predicted Condensate Parameterizations , 1998 .

[83]  M. Rummukainen,et al.  RCA - Rossby Centre regional Atmospheric climate model: model description and results from the first multi-year simulation , 1997 .


[85]  J. Kain,et al.  A One-Dimensional Entraining/Detraining Plume Model and Its Application in Convective Parameterization , 1990 .

[86]  M. Tiedtke,et al.  Representation of Clouds in Large-Scale Models , 1993 .

[87]  J. Chan,et al.  meeting summary: Third COMPARE Workshop: A Model Intercomparison Experiment of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Track Prediction , 2001 .

[88]  Göran Lindström,et al.  Development and test of the distributed HBV-96 hydrological model , 1997 .

[89]  N. Gustafsson,et al.  Parameterization of lake thermodynamics in a high-resolution weather forecasting model , 1996 .

[90]  Paul Queney,et al.  The Problem of Air Flow Over Mountains: A Summary of Theoretical Studies , 1948 .

[91]  A. H. Murphy,et al.  Economic value of weather and climate forecasts , 1997 .

[92]  F. Giorgi,et al.  Approaches to the simulation of regional climate change: A review , 1991 .

[93]  Peter Lynch,et al.  The Dolph-Chebyshev Window: A Simple Optimal Filter , 1997 .

[94]  Larry Mahrt,et al.  Simple formulation of turbulent mixing in the stable free atmosphere and nocturnal boundary layer , 1992 .

[95]  Joanne Simpson,et al.  Cumulus clouds - Interactions between laboratory experiments and observations as foundations for models , 1983 .

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[97]  W. Oost The KNMI HEXMAX stress data – a reanalysis , 1998 .

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[99]  A. Lorenc Optimal nonlinear objective analysis , 1988 .

[100]  Heikki Järvinen,et al.  Variational quality control , 1999 .

[101]  A. Holtslag,et al.  Evaluation of the Kinetic Energy Approach for Modeling Turbulent Fluxes in Stratocumulus , 2000 .

[102]  A. Omstedt Forecasting Ice on Lakes, Estuaries and Shelf Seas , 1999 .

[103]  W. Brutsaert The Roughness Length for Water Vapor Sensible Heat, and Other Scalars. , 1975 .

[104]  P. Courtier,et al.  A strategy for operational implementation of 4D‐Var, using an incremental approach , 1994 .

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[106]  Anthony Hollingsworth,et al.  The statistical structure of short-range forecast errors as determined from radiosonde data , 1986 .

[107]  Harold Ritchie,et al.  Advantages of Spatial Averaging in Semi-implicit Semi-Lagrangian Schemes , 1992 .

[108]  A. Lorenc A Global Three-Dimensional Multivariate Statistical Interpolation Scheme , 1981 .

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[111]  Roni Avissar,et al.  Comparison of three land‐surface schemes with the Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (FAST) , 1998 .

[112]  R. Haverkamp,et al.  Bare-ground surface heat and water exchanges under dry conditions: Observations and parameterization , 1993 .

[113]  Hannu Savijärvi,et al.  Fast radiation parameterization schemes for mesoscale and short-range forecast models , 1990 .

[114]  R. Lindzen Turbulence and stress owing to gravity wave and tidal breakdown , 1981 .

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[116]  J. Räisänen,et al.  Changes in average and extreme precipitation in two regional climate model experiments , 2001 .

[117]  Roger A. Pielke,et al.  A parameterization of heterogeneous land surfaces for atmospheric numerical models and its impact on regional meteorology , 1989 .

[118]  P. J. Mason,et al.  The formation of areally‐averaged roughness lengths , 1988 .

[119]  E. Bazile,et al.  Implementation of a New Assimilation Scheme for Soil and Surface Variables in a Global NWP Model , 2000 .

[120]  J. Mahfouf,et al.  The ISBA land surface parameterisation scheme , 1996 .

[121]  J. Rantakokko,et al.  Three-dimensional variational data assimilation for a limited area model : Part II: Observation handling and assimilation experiments , 2001 .

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[123]  M. Rummukainen,et al.  Climate change impacts on runoff in Sweden assessments by global climate models, dynamical downscaling and hydrological modelling , 2001 .

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