Formulation and evaluation of Tolnaftate loaded topical liposomal gel for effective skin drug delivery to treat fungal diseases

A liposomal reservoir system bearing the anti-funga l, tolnaftate, was developed for better-permeable, controlled and localized delivery via topical route. Different cha rged liposomes were developed by dried thin film hy dration technique and incorporated to carbopol gel. The dev eloped gels were characterized for particle size, p oly-dispersity index, drug content, spreadability, microbial assay and in vitro permeation. Antifungal efficacy of de veloped gels was assessed by the in vivo studies in albino wista r rats. The mean particle size of neutral, negative and positive liposomes was 119 nm, 143 nm and 284 nm respectivel y. Among the three different liposomes neutral char ged has exhibited higher entrapment efficiency about 88.14% . The animals have shown complete sign of cure on t he 13 day of the drug therapy. Small sized vesicle of develop ed liposomal gel formulation attributed higher perm ation and faster cure rate than the available marketed formul ation. So, this study ensures that liposomal carrie rs have a high potential in topical drug delivery and can overcome th permeability and efficacy problems.