The proliferation of database-driven web sites has made user pay more effort for selecting the best satisfying results. Therefore, we propose a searching system named as DeepSearcher to meet user’s need, which includes offline processing (e.g. pre-processing) and online processing. The latter consists of Query Processor, Result Integrator, Cache Subsystem and Service Portal. To implement the system, key techniques such as subject-based classification, clustering-based result extraction and schema recognition, dominant attribute-based data sources ranking, query relaxation, duplicate identification and result top-k are adopted to support the searching system. The demonstration shows the feasibility and the promise of DeepSearcher.
Derong Shen,et al.
An Effective Query Relaxation Solution for the Deep Web
Derong Shen,et al.
An Effective Method Supporting Data Extraction and Schema Recognition on Deep Web
Derong Shen,et al.
Efficient Top-k Data Sources Ranking for Query on Deep Web
Derong Shen,et al.
Subject-Oriented Classification Based on Scale Probing in the Deep Web
2008 The Ninth International Conference on Web-Age Information Management.
Yue Kou.
Improving the accuracy of entity identification through refinement
Ph.D. '08.