XV. Account of the changes that have happened, during the last twenty-five years, in the relative situation of double-stars; with an investigation of the cause to which they are owing

In the Remarks on the Construction of the Heavens, contained in my last Paper on this subject, I have divided the various objects which astronomy has hitherto brought to our view, into twelve classes. The first comprehends insulated stars. As the solar system presents us with all the particulars that may be known, respecting the arrangement of the various subordinate celestial bodies that are under the influence of stars which I have called insulated, such as planets and satellites, asteroids and comets, I shall here say but little on that subject. It will, however, not be amiss to remark, that the late addition of two new celestial bodies, has undoubtedly enlarged our knowledge of the construction of the system of insulated stars. Whatever may be the nature of these two new bodies, we know that they move in regular elliptical orbits round the sun. It is not in the least material whether we call them asteroids, as I have proposed; or planetoids, as an eminent astronomer, in a letter to me, suggested; or whether we admit them at once into the class of our old seven large planets. In the latter case, however, we must recollect, that if we would speak with precision, they should be called very small, and exzodiacal; for, the great inclination of the orbit of one of them to the ecliptic, amounting to 35 degrees, is certainly remarkable. That of the other is also considerable; its latitude, the last time I saw it, being more than 15 degrees north. These circumstances, added to their smallness, show that there exists a greater variety of arrangement and size among the bodies which our sun holds in subordination, than we had formerly been acquainted with, and extend our knowledge of the construction of the solar, or insulated sidereal system. It will not be required that I should add any thing farther on the subject of this first article of my classification; I may therefore immediately go to the second, which treats of binary sidereal systems, or real double stars.