The sourcebook of nonverbal measures : going beyond words
Contents: Preface. Part I: Introduction to Nonverbal Communication Research. C.H. White, J. Sargent, Researcher Choices and Practices in the Study of Nonverbal Communication. Part II: Nonverbal Measures. Section A: Participant/Observer Reports. R.E. Riggio, The Social Skills Inventory (SSI): Measuring Nonverbal and Social Skills. M. Duke, S. Nowicki, Jr., The Emory Dyssemia Index. K. Floyd, A.C. Mikkelson, The Affectionate Communication Index. P.A. Andersen, The Touch Avoidance Measure. S.E. Jones, The Touch Log Record: A Behavioral Communication Measure. P.A. Andersen, L.K. Guerrero, Measuring Live Tactile Interaction: The Body Chart Coding Approach. M.P. Keeley, The Nonverbal Perception Scale. R.E. Riggio, H.R. Riggio, Self-Report Measures of Emotional and Nonverbal Expressiveness. P.A. Andersen, J.F. Andersen, Measurements of Perceived Nonverbal Immediacy. J.L. Hale, J.K. Burgoon, B. Householder, The Relational Communication Scale. Section B: Coding and Rating. Section 1: Coding. P. Noller, Behavioral Coding and Visual Affect Behavior. K.S. Aune, Assessing Display Rules in Relationships. S. Jones, S. Carrere, J.M. Gottman, Specific Affect Coding System. N. Chovil, Measuring Conversational Facial Displays. W.A. Afifi, M.L. Johnson, The Nature and Functions of Tie-Signs. D. Julien, A Procedure to Measure Interactional Synchrony in the Context of Satisfied and Dissatisfied Couples' Communication. K. Buehlman, S. Carrere, C. Siler, The Oral History Coding System: A Measure of Marital Cognition. Section 2: Rating. L.K. Guerrero, Observer Ratings of Nonverbal Involvement and Immediacy. J.K. Burgoon, Measuring Nonverbal Indicators of Deceit. A.R. Trees, Interactional Sensitivity: Rating Social Support, Attachment, and Interaction in Adult Relationships. N. Roberts, P. Noller, The Affect Measures of the Couple Communication Scales. J.K. Kellas, A.R. Trees, Rating Interactional Sense-Making in the Process of Joint Storytelling. L.K. Knobloch, D.H. Solomon, Measuring Conversational Equality at the Relational Level. J.N. Cappella, Measures of Judged Adaptation. D.B. Buller, Methods for Measuring Speech Rate. J.P. Dillard, D.H. Solomon, Measuring the Relevance of Relational Frames: A Relational Framing Theory Perspective. V. Manusov, Assessing Attributions Given to Nonverbal Cues. Section 3: Combining Reports and Ratings. F.J. Bernieri, The Expression of Rapport. N.E. Dunbar, J.K. Burgoon, Measuring Nonverbal Dominance. Section 4: Commentaries on Coding and Rating Choices. R. Bakeman, Analysis of Coded Nonverbal Behavior. J.N. Cappella, Coding Mutual Adaptation in Dyadic Nonverbal Interaction. Section C: Physiological Measures. K.J. Tusing, Objective Measurement of Vocal Signals. T.A. Kinney, The Role of Physiological Measures in Understanding Social Support. Part III: Paradigms and Practices. P. Noller, Standard Content Methodology: Controlling the Verbal Channel. M.L. Patterson, The Passing Encounters Paradigm: Monitoring Microinteractions Between Pedestrians. E-A.M. Doohan, S. Carrere, M.G. Taylor, The Meta-Emotion Interview and Coding System. R. Buck, Measuring Emotional Experience, Expression, and Communication: The Slide-Viewing Technique. L.J. Roberts, Conflict, Real Life, and Videotape: Procedures for Eliciting Naturalistic Couple Interactions. J.A. Hall, Meta-Analysis of Nonverbal Behavior. C.D. LeBaron, Considering the Social and Material Surround: Toward Microethnographic Understandings of Nonverbal Communication. L.K. Guerrero, B.A. Le Poire, Nonverbal Research Involving Experimental Manipulations by Confederates.