Optimal Economical Selection of Diameters in a Pipe Distribution System - Recherche de la Répartition Economique des Diamètres dans un Réseau de Distribution Ramifié

In dealing domestic water supply systems and irrigation networks using ducts under pressure, the following problem has frequently to be solved: - a map shows the points where water is to be use& which may be irrigation markers for example, for each of which the required pressure and discharge are known; - this same map shows the possible layout of the ducts connecting the head reservoir, or feed pumping station, to the consumption points. How can the diameters of each section of the ramified system thus laid out be chosen to give the minimum total duct costs? The method described below is aimed at doing precisely this. The method makes use of a modem electronic ordinator and gives all the design data required to produce the cheapest network, inciuding dameters, discharges, pressures, pressure losses and price. This information is presented in the form of design calculation tables.