An Interdisciplinary Curriculum For Microelectronics
A group of ten faculty members from four departments and two colleges are developing an interdisciplinary undergraduate and graduate curriculum in the area of microelectronics, optoelectronics, and nanotechnology. Our goal is to introduce the concepts of microchip fabrication in the sophomore year and then develop an option or minor in microelectronics engineering, open to students from various branches of engineering and the sciences, that may be completed as part of the curriculum in each participating department. We have developed an introductory microchip fabrication laboratory in which students process 4-inch wafers to create working nMOSFETs and other devices. It is anticipated that this course will be required of all students in Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Physics, and has only freshman chemistry as its prerequisite. Interested students who then select the microelectronics option then take a sequence of core courses in solid state physics and semiconductor processing technologies, and select electives from a menu including range of electronics materials processing courses, semiconductor devices, semiconductor manufacturing processes, optoelectronic devices, photonic and optical materials, and nanotechnology. We have designed our curriculum to take advantage of Virginia Tech’s five-year bachelors/masters program for honors-level students and have revised our entire entry-level graduate program offerings to mesh with our undergraduate program. The advanced courses are designed such that students in the five-year option, as well as entering graduate students, can pursue courses in all areas of electronic materials and semiconductor manufacturing. We are working with several semiconductor manufacturing firms to develop a co-op program that will allow students to work in state-of-the-art production facilities in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the option.