A CRLH Microstrip Delay Line for High-speed Electronic Circuits

In this paper, we present a composite right/left-handed microstrip delay line, which simultaneously exhibits negative refractive index and negative group-delay. The proposed struc- ture shows advantages of compact dimensions, lower loss, and longer delay, when compared to traditional right-handed and other left-handed structures. Based on a simulation study, a design methodology that helps the users to tune the group-delay of a given circuit is developed. Delay minimization of an RF power amplifler circuit is presented as a potential application. DOI: 10.2529/PIERS061007235152 In this paper, we present a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) delay line utilizing interdigital capacitors, which ofiers longer delay compared to traditional right-handed (RH) and other LH microstrip delay lines. The proposed structure is compact, and its group-delay can be tuned by adjusting physical parameters of the interdigital capacitors. Based on a simulation study, a design methodology has been developed to help users easily tune the group-delay of the line/structure. One of the useful characteristics of the proposed structure (i.e., relatively longer negative group-delay) is exploited for reducing group-delay in an electronic circuit.