Vertical tumor-positive resection margins and the risk of residual neoplasia after endoscopic resection of Barrett ’ s neoplasia: a nationwide cohort with pathology reassessment
W. Curvers | A. Alkhalaf | R. Pouw | W. Nagengast | Stuttgart | G. Kats-Ugurlu | L. Herrero | M. Houben | Sanne N. van Munster | T. Tang | F. Moll | J. Westerhof | G. Raicu | E. Verheij | Ineke G. Lijnschoten | J. V. D. Laan | S. Ven | KG Verlag | Georg Thieme | Rüdigerstraße | Germany | M. Jansen | L. V. Tilburg | J. Bergman | BasL.A.M. Weusten | E. J. Schoon | L. Oudijk | S. Meijer | Michail Doukas | Arjun D Koch | Lodewijk A. A. Brosens | Pieter Jan | F. D. Jonge | A. H. Ooms