Fórum. Envelhecimento populacional e as informações de saúde do PNAD: demandas e desafios contemporâneos. Introdução

This article examines the new demographic and epidemiological reality in Brazil, based on data collected and organized in the Health Supplement of the National Household Sample Survey (PNAD-Health). It highlights the urgency of changes and innovations in health care paradigms for the elderly population with a preventive approach based on comprehensive education and care. As key concepts, the article emphasizes the need to preserve autonomy, participation, care, self-satisfaction, and the possibility of elder citizens being active in various social contexts. It also discusses the contribution by various authors to the discussion forum on Human Aging and the National Household Sample Surveys, coordinated by Cadernos de Saude Publica/Reports in Public Health, featuring studies on access to and utilization of health services by the elderly, the epidemiological pattern of breast cancer in elderly women, and the validity of using proxy respondents in research on self-perceived health status, concluding that the PNAD data are consistent and can be used by the scientific community.