Substrate specificity of mammalian prenyl protein-specific endoprotease activity.

We have previously identified proteolytic activity in rat liver microsomes that cleaves an intact tripeptide, VIS, from S-farnesylated-CVIS tetrapeptide. This enzymatic activity, termed prenyl protein-specific endoprotease (PPEP) activity, has been solubilized in CHAPS and purified 5-fold. To probe the peptide recognition features of PPEP activity, 64 tripeptides [N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)a1a2] were prepared and tested as competitive inhibitors of PPEP activity-catalyzed hydrolysis of N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)VI[3H]S. It was found that PPEP activity prefers large hydrophobic residues in the a1 and a2 positions. A subset of N-acetyl-C(S-farnesyl)a1a2 peptides were prepared in radiolabeled form, and it was found that PPEP activity preferences for these substrates correlated well in most cases with the inhibition data. The exception is that R in the a1 position does not prevent binding of peptide to PPEP activity, but such peptides are poor substrates. The anionic residue D in the a2 position is not tolerated by PPEP activity. Five farnesylated radiolabeled tetrapeptides, Ac-C(F)FM[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LI[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LL[3H]L, Ac-C(F)LM[3H]L, and Ac-C(F)VI[3H]L were prepared, and PPEP activity kinetic studies revealed that they are good substrates and show comparable KM values (2.2-13.5 microM). Ac-C(F)RL[3H]S is a poor substrate. The reported peptide binding preferences of PPEP activity should be useful in designing compounds that block the C-terminal proteolysis of prenylated proteins. Nonprenylated peptides do not bind to PPEP activity, and replacement of the farnesyl group with ann-pentadecyl group modestly reduces binding. Peptide-membrane partitioning studies were used together with theoretical arguments to fully understand the substrate specificity of PPEP activity toward these compounds.