Scoping Planning Agents With Shared Models

Abstract In this paper we provide a formal framework to define the scope of planning agents based on a single declar- ative model. Having multiple agents sharing a single model provides numerous advantages that lead to re- duced development costs and increase reliability of the system. We formally define planning in terms of ex- tensions of an initial partial plan, and a set of flaws that make the plan unacceptable. A Flaw Filter (FF) allows us to identify those flaws relevant to an agent. Flaw filters motivate the Plan Identification Function (PIF), which specifies when an agent is is ready hand control to another agent for further work. PIFs define a set of plan extensions that can be generated from a model and a plan request. FFs and PIFs can be used to define the scope of agents without changing the model. We describe an implementation of PIFsand FFswithin the context of EUROPA, a constraint-based planning architecture, and show how it can be used to easily design many different agents.