차량 보조범퍼의 유해성 평가에 관한 연구

This paper presents the effects of auxiliary bumper in traffic accident. Normally, auxiliary bumper is composed of welding structures and its components are mainly made of steel plates and pipes. Recently, motor companies give a great effort to reduce a pedestrian injury by applying some soft materials to front bumper and by increasing flexibility in engine hood. On the other hand, the auxiliary bumper is so stiff that it increase the strength of front part of the car very much. In order to evaluate the effects of the this bumper, Ansys/LS-dyna software was employed for car to car collision while Madymo software was employed for car to pedestrian accident. As a result, it was found that in case of angled collision in traffic accident the deformation of counter car was so large that the driver of the counter car was in full danger. Moreover, in case of pedestrian accident with this auxiliary bumper, the pedestrian can be seriously injured such as fracture to knee joint, femur, pelvis and lower spine.