Broadband Cable TV Access Networks: From Technologies to Applications

Preface. 1. Broadband Hybrid Fiber/Coax Access Networks Overview. Introduction. Traditional Cable TV Networks. Two Way HFC Access Networks. Competing Access Technologies. References. 2. Basic Cable TV Background: Modulation, Signal Formats and Coaxial Cable Systems. Analog Modulated Video Signal Formats. Digital Video and Audio Signals. Cable TV Frequency Plans. Coaxial Cable TV Components and Systems. Multichannel Coaxial Cable TV Systems. Cable TV Return-Path Transmission Characteristics. References. 3. Directly Modulated Cable TV Lightwave Laser Transmitters. Semiconductor Laser Diodes. DFB and Multiple-Quantum-Well (MQW) Laser Diodes. Laser Dynamic Characteristics. Noise in Laser Diodes. DFB Laser Transmitter. Return-Path Laser Transmitters. References. 4. Externally Modulated Cable TV Lightwave Laser Transmitters. LiNbO3 Optical Modulators. Linearization Methods of Optical Modulators. Optical Linearization Methods. Externally Modulated Laser Transmitter Design. References. 5. Lightwave Receivers for Cable TV Networks. p-i-n Photodiode. Noise Sources in Lightwave Receivers. Carrier-To-Noise Ratio at the Receiver. Nonlinear Behavior of p-i-n Photodetectors. Basic Cable TV Receiver Design Configurations. References. 6. Optical Fiber Amplifiers for Cable TV Networks. Optical Fiber Amplifier Components. Basic EDFA System Configurations. Amplifier Noise and CNR Calculation. EDFA Requirements for Cable TV Networks. References. 7. RF Digital QAM Modems. RF QAM Modem Building Blocks. MPEG Transport Framing. Reed-Solomon Codes. Interleaver/Deinterleaver. Trellis-Coded Modulation (TCM). Randomizer/Derandomizer. M-ary QAM Modulator Design and Operation. M-ary QAM Receiver Design and Operation. Adaptive Equalizer. Carrier and Timing Recovery. MER and EVM. BER of M-ary QAM Signals in AWGN Channel. References. 8. Subscriber Home Terminals. Digital Set-Top Box Building Blocks. Cable TV RF Tuner. Out-of-Band (OOB) Receiver. RF QAM Transceiver. MPEG Video/Audio Demultiplexer and Decoder. Conditional Access and Control. Graphics Processor. Set-Top Box CPU and Memory. Advanced Set-Top Box with Built-in DOCSIS Cable Modem. M-QAM Transmission Impairments in HFC Networks. References. 9. Transmission Impairments in Multichannel AM/QAM Lightwave Systems. Clipping-Induced Nonlinear Distortions. Bursty Nonlinear Distortions. Multiple Optical Reflections. Dispersion-Induced Nonlinear Distortions. Optical Fiber Nonlinear Effects. Polarization-Dependent Distortion Effects. References. 10. EDFA-Based WDM Multichannel AM/QAM Video Lightwave Access Networks. Architecture and Performance of Multichannel AM-VSB/QAM Video Lightwave Trunking Networks. The Problem with the Current HFC Networks. DWDM Downstream Access Network Architecture. DWDM Upstream Access Network Architecture. References. 11. Data-Over-Cable Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) Protocol. DOCSIS Communication Protocol. Downstream PHY Layer. Upstream PHY Layer. Downstream Transmission Convergence Sublayer. Media Access Control (MAC) Layer. Random Access and Contention Resolution Methods. MAC Layer Protocol Operation. Quality of Service (QoS) and Fragmentation. CM and CMTS Interaction. References. 12. Digital Set-Top Box Software Architecture and Applications. Digital Set-Top Box Software Architecture. Native Applications. TV-Based Interactive Applications. Internet-Based Applications. Integrated Set-Top Box Applications. References. Appendix A: Comparison of DAVIC and DOCSIS Specifications. Appendix B: International Cable TV Frequency Plans. CCIR System B/G Frequency Plan. CCIR System I Frequency Plan. CCIR System D Frequency Plan. Appendix C Satellite Transponder Parameters for Cable TV Networks. Acronyms. Index.