With the development of technology to make human increasingly communicate and sharing time information in the far distance. Both between countries and continents no longer a problem in the exchange of information and data. A growing amount of technology will be more security in maintaining the confidentiality of data or information. Network security is one factor that is important to not, crime in computer networking increasingly in recent increased. Network security should be taken as controlling access to sources of our network , not just control who may access the network, this access also control regulates how the subject of the form of users , programs , files , computers and object the form database and network infrastructure. If the network does not have restrictions on the access rights the user will easily fit into a server. In this regard will be made of a network that restricts the permissions of a user in the use of computers are used, so that the user can not access beyond the limits that have been granted. By utilizing the command prompt commands on Windows 7 Ultimate, we will make a network that limits users in the network. Firewalls in the network can be done by adjusting the inbound and outbound section on Windows.Results of the study indicate that the network is connected property and have permissions that have been granted in each computer .