Informal caregivers of institutionalized dementia residents: Predictors of burden

When older adults are placed in nursing homes, care- giving responsibility continues, despite long held beliefs to the con- trary. Although the American family is in transition, bonds of care- giving and of filial responsibility are strong and persist into old age. Knowledge about characteristics of caregivers who have actually placed their relative in a nursing home is limited. The purpose of this study is to examine whether demographic and facility-related char- acteristics as well as knowledge about dementia and participation in support groups and workshops are signif~cant predictors of burden in caregivers of institutionalized dementia residents. Sixty-seven per- cent of caregivers of residents in a dementia unit in a nursing home participated in the study. Overall, the regression explained 68% of the variance in burden and was highly simcant statistically. In- formation gained from this study will assist social workers in mak- ing referrals to nursing homes or in direct practice with cognitively impa...