An Analysis of MOFEP Ground Flora: Pre-treatment Conditions

8imilarities and differences in MOFEP ground flora species composition were determined at site, block, and treatment levels. Ground flora data were collected across nine sites on 648 permanent forestry plots; more than 10,300 1-m2 quadrats were sampled each summer from 1991 through 1995. Approximately 530 species were identified; more than half occurred on fewer than 10 percent of the plots. Highly significant differences among sample years were observed for plot richness, but were regarded as a reflection of improved data quality over the course of the project. Though plots averaged relatively high species diversity, wide ranges from low to high species richness and diversity existed within all sites. Analysis of variance on plot diversity and richness indicated a strong trend of differences between even-aged and control sites. Differences in ground flora species composition and abundance, plot richness, and plot diversity appear strongly correlated with pattems in geology, landform, and soils both within and among the MOFEP sites.