The number of dismantling sites for buildings has been rapidly increased and these processes are very dangerous. So many research papers have been published addressing the development of a remote controller for the dismantling equipments. In this paper, a novel concept of applying haptic control is proposed for the remote control of excavator-like dismantling equipment. As a haptic device system, this controller is designed to improve the operability of the excavator. This paper also includes all the dynamic analysis of excavator to design the haptic device. Then, the hydraulic system of excavator which uses the proportional valve and pressure transmitter is also studied briefly. And parameter estimation of excavator is carried out with least square method. Last simulation result which is about the parameter estimation will be shown. And operator can control the real excavator intuitively with this new model of haptic device.
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Identification of inertial and friction parameters for excavator arms
IEEE Trans. Robotics Autom..
J.M. Hollerbach,et al.
Identifying mass parameters for gravity compensation and automatic torque sensor calibration
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.
Kaspar Althoefer,et al.
Parameter estimation for excavator arm using generalized Newton method
IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
Joseph George Frankel,et al.
Development of a Haptic Backhoe Testbed
Juan Andrade-Cetto,et al.
Modeling and Control of Excavator Dynamics during Digging Operation
Christopher G. Atkeson,et al.
Estimation of Inertial Parameters of Manipulator Loads and Links