The pedagogical dimension of the well-conceived specialised dictionary
In the course of the past 30 years it has been acknowledged that research on pedagogical
lexicography has to address three main issues: (i) development of new formats to cover both
communicative and non-communicative situations; (ii) the layout of the information on the
dictionary page, to facilitate the handling of information; (iii) what information is necessary for
each type of learner at specific levels of proficiency. Although a big amount of specialised
dictionaries have been produced during the last three decades, only some of them show the
pedagogical value or dimension of general dictionaries. To overcome this gap the theory of
lexicographic functions indicates a way forward to the design and production of the
lexicographic quality products that the modern globalized world requires. This article illustrates
some of the workings of this functional theory by commenting on some of the pedagogical
value of EDGT, a two-way, bidirectional and multifunctional dictionary
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