택지개발지구 상업용지의 블록구성 형태와 이용특성에 관한 연구

This study examined the appropriateness of land use plan and district unit plan with housing sites developed in Gwangju metropolitan city and as a result of examining area ratio, design structure, building location and use, the following results were obtained. Block structure(design structure) of commercial site within housing development project district showed road-centered composition along the main road and block-centered composition, and of these, road-centered composition had three types of planar symmetry, linear symmetry, linear + planar asymmetry. Internal road composing the block type showed a variety of 'ㄴ‘ type, ‘ㅡ’ type, ‘ㅡ’ +‘ㅐ’ mixed type, ‘ㄴ’ +ㅁ’ mixed type, ‘ㅡ’ +‘ㄴ’ +‘ㅐ’ mixed type and block structure of commercial site was profitable to make walking centered road composition attractive as shopping area. Commercial site at housing development district was the focus of new downtown, but district unit plan guidelines including plot plan and use, arrangement and height of building and its exterior and roof style showed the limitation in making the image of an attractive commercial site. Accordingly, regulation and guidance of building use by street or floor(especially the 1st floor) with image making of height, roof style and exterior of the whole buildings at commercial site are required. Decentralized arrangement of public parking lot within commercial site and permission of parking lot by individual lot prevented commercial site from being walking centered street and became the cause of illegal parking. So commercial site should be changed into group parking style which guarantees pedestrian convenience escaping from decentralized arrangement of public parking lot or permission of individual parking within the block to be the stage of pedestrian-centered community.