The magnetosheath and magnetotail of Venus

[1]  W. C. Knudsen Role of hot oxygen in Venusian ionospheric ion energetics and supersonic antisunward flow , 1990 .

[2]  M. Kivelson,et al.  The effect of mass loading on the temperature of a flowing plasma. [in vicinity of Io , 1989 .

[3]  L. H. Brace,et al.  On the lower altitude limit of the Venusian ionopause , 1989 .

[4]  C. Russell,et al.  Suprathermal ions observed upstream of the Venus bow shock , 1989 .

[5]  J. Slavin,et al.  Pioneer Venus Orbiter Magnetic Field and Plasma Observations in the Venus Magnetotail , 1989 .

[6]  D. Intriligator Results of the first statistical study of Pioneer Venus Orbiter plasma observations in the distant Venus tail: Evidence for a hemispheric asymmetry in the pickup of ionospheric ions , 1989 .

[7]  Thomas E. Cravens,et al.  A one-dimensional multispecies magnetohydrodynamic model of the dayside ionosphere of Mars , 1988 .

[8]  A. M. Krymskii,et al.  Magnetic fields in the venus ionosphere: General features , 1988 .

[9]  W. C. Knudsen Solar cycle changes in the morphology of the Venus ionosphere , 1988 .

[10]  C. Russell,et al.  Solar and interplanetary control of the location of the Venus bow shock , 1988 .

[11]  A. Nagy,et al.  Hot oxygen atoms in the upper atmospheres of Venus and Mars , 1988 .

[12]  J. Phillips,et al.  Asymmetries in the location of the Venus ionopause , 1988 .

[13]  A. Kliore,et al.  Solar cycle changes in the ionization sources of the nightside Venus ionosphere , 1987 .

[14]  C. Russell,et al.  Finite Larmor radius effect on ion pickup at Venus , 1987 .

[15]  L. Samoznaev,et al.  Electron density distribution in the nightside Venusian atmosphere using radiographic data , 1987 .

[16]  C. Russell,et al.  Magnetotails at unmagnetized bodies: Comparison of comet Giacobini‐Zinner and Venus , 1987 .

[17]  Christopher T. Russell,et al.  Characteristics of the Marslike limit of the Venus‐solar wind interaction , 1987 .

[18]  A. M. Krymskii,et al.  Effect of an extended neutral atmosphere on the interaction of the solar wind and the nonmagnetic bodies of the solar system. I. Venus , 1987 .

[19]  P. Cloutier,et al.  Steady state flow/field model of solar wind interaction with Venus: Global implications of local effects , 1987 .

[20]  A. Nagy,et al.  A one‐dimensional time‐dependent model of the magnetized ionosphere of Venus , 1987 .

[21]  J. Spreiter,et al.  A new computational model for the prediction of mass loading phenomena for solar wind interactions with cometary and planetary ionospheres , 1987 .

[22]  A. Nagy,et al.  The effect of the hot oxygen corona on the interaction of the solar wind with Venus , 1987 .

[23]  C. Russell,et al.  Upper limit on the intrinsic magnetic field of Venus , 1987 .

[24]  C. Russell,et al.  On the role of the quasi‐parallel bow shock in ion pickup: A lesson from Venus? , 1987 .

[25]  D. Winske Origin of large magnetic fluctuations in the magnetosheath of Venus , 1986 .

[26]  C. Russell,et al.  Interplanetary field control of the location of the Venus bow shock: Evidence for comet‐like ion pickup , 1986 .

[27]  C. Russell,et al.  The average magnetic field draping and consistent plasma properties of the Venus magnetotail , 1986 .

[28]  H. Pérez-de-Tejada Distribution of plasma and magnetic fluxes in the Venus near wake , 1986 .

[29]  C. Russell,et al.  Magnetic configuration of the Venus magnetosheath , 1986 .

[30]  H. Pérez-de-Tejada Fluid dynamic constraints of the Venus ionospheric flow , 1986 .

[31]  C. Russell,et al.  Average dimension and magnetic structure of the distant Venus magnetotail , 1986 .

[32]  Stephen S. Stahara,et al.  A gas dynamic magnetosheath field model for unsteady interplanetary fields - Application to the solar wind interaction with Venus , 1986 .

[33]  C. Russell,et al.  The location of the subsolar bow shock of Venus: Implications for the obstacle shape , 1985 .

[34]  C. Russell,et al.  Solar cycle dependence of the location of the Venus bow shock , 1985 .

[35]  H. Pérez-de-Tejada,et al.  Plasma measurements of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter in the Venus ionosheath: Evidence for plasma heating near the ionopause , 1985 .

[36]  C. Russell,et al.  Magnetic field in the wake of Venus and the formation of ionospheric holes , 1985 .

[37]  K. Thompson,et al.  Dynamics of the Venus ionosphere: a two-dimensional model study , 1984 .

[38]  R. Elphic,et al.  Nightward ion flow in the Venus ionosphere - Implications of momentum balance , 1984 .

[39]  J. Slavin,et al.  A comparative study of distant magnetotail structure at Venus and Earth , 1984 .

[40]  C. Russell,et al.  On the proper Mach number and ratio of specific heats for modeling the Venus bow shock , 1984 .

[41]  O. Vaisberg,et al.  Formation of the plasma mantle in the Venusian magnetosphere , 1984 .

[42]  A. Nagy,et al.  The evolution of large-scale magnetic fields in the ionosphere of Venus , 1984 .

[43]  C. Russell,et al.  Plasma distribution and magnetic field orientation in the Venus near wake: Solar wind control of the nightside ionopause , 1983 .

[44]  C. Russell,et al.  Magnetic field fluctuations in the Venus magnetosheath , 1983 .

[45]  C. Russell,et al.  Factors controlling the location of the Venus bow shock , 1983 .

[46]  C. Russell,et al.  Magnetic fields in the ionospheric holes of venus: evidence for an intrinsic field , 1983 .

[47]  F. Scarf,et al.  Plasma turbulence in the downstream ionosheath of Venus , 1982 .

[48]  J. Mihalov,et al.  Comparison of gas dynamic model with steady solar wind flow around Venus , 1982 .

[49]  D. Colburn,et al.  Pioneer Venus Observations of Plasma and Field Structure in the Near Wake of Venus J. G. LUHMANN, 1 C. T. RUSSELL, 1 L. H. BRACE, 3 H. A. TAYLOR, 2 W. C. KNUDSEN 3 F. L SCARF 1 , 1982 .

[50]  J. Mihalov,et al.  The distant interplanetary wake of Venus: Plasma observations from Pioneer Venus , 1982 .

[51]  J. Bertaux,et al.  Altitude profile of H in the atmosphere of Venus from Lyman α observations of Venera 11 and Venera 12 and origin of the hot exospheric component , 1982 .

[52]  C. Russell,et al.  Orientation of planetary O+ fluxes and magnetic field lines in the Venus wake , 1982, Nature.

[53]  H. Pérez-de-Tejada Viscous dissipation at the Venus ionopause , 1982 .

[54]  C. Russell,et al.  Disappearing ionospheres on the nightside of Venus , 1982 .

[55]  D. Intriligator Observations of mass addition to the shocked solar wind of the Venusian ionosheath , 1982 .

[56]  W. C. Knudsen,et al.  Improved Venus ionopause altitude calculation and comparison with measurement , 1982 .

[57]  J. Mihalov,et al.  Evidence for the acceleration of ionospheric O/+/ in the magnetosheath of Venus , 1981 .

[58]  C. Russell,et al.  The Venus ionopause current sheet: Thickness length scale and controlling factors , 1981 .

[59]  C. Russell,et al.  The role of charge exchange in the solar wind absorption by Venus , 1981 .

[60]  James A. Slavin,et al.  Solar wind flow about the terrestrial planets 1. Modeling bow shock position and shape , 1981 .

[61]  R. Daniell A source of plasma turbulence at the ionopause of Venus , 1981 .

[62]  R. Hodges,et al.  Charge exchange in the Venus ionosphere as the source of the hot exospheric hydrogen , 1981 .

[63]  V. Formisano,et al.  The role of the critical ionization velocity phenomena in the production of inner coma cometary plasma , 1981 .

[64]  C. Russell,et al.  The distant bow shock and magnetotail of Venus: Magnetic field and plasma wave observations , 1981 .

[65]  A. Nagy,et al.  Hot oxygen atoms in the upper atmosphere of Venus , 1981 .

[66]  S. Curtis Solar wind pickup of ionized Venus exosphere atoms , 1981 .

[67]  D. Hunten,et al.  H2 abundance in the atmosphere of Venus , 1981 .

[68]  W. C. Knudsen,et al.  Anti-solar acceleration of ionospheric plasma across the Venus terminator , 1981 .

[69]  J. Blamont,et al.  Venera 11 and Venera 12 observations of e.u.v. emissions from the upper atmosphere of Venus , 1981 .

[70]  C. Russell,et al.  The solar wind interaction with Venus - Pioneer Venus observations of bow shock location and structure , 1980 .

[71]  C. Russell,et al.  The dynamic behavior of the Venus ionosphere in response to solar wind interactions , 1980 .

[72]  C. Russell,et al.  Observations of the dayside ionopause and ionosphere of Venus , 1980 .

[73]  J. Mihalov,et al.  Pioneer Venus plasma observations of the solar wind-Venus interaction , 1980 .

[74]  J. Spreiter,et al.  Solar wind flow past Venus: Theory and comparisons , 1980 .

[75]  C. Russell,et al.  Observation of the Venus mantle, the boundary region between solar wind and ionosphere , 1980 .

[76]  R. S. Wolff,et al.  The onset and development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the Venus ionopause , 1980 .

[77]  D. Intriligator,et al.  An empirical model of the Venusian outer environment 1. The shape of the dayside solar wind‐atmosphere interface , 1980 .

[78]  W. C. Knudsen,et al.  Transport of ionospheric O+ ions across the Venus terminator and implications , 1980 .

[79]  C. Russell,et al.  Solar wind absorption by Venus , 1980 .

[80]  C. Russell,et al.  Observations of large scale steady magnetic fields in the dayside Venus ionosphere , 1980 .

[81]  C. Russell,et al.  The location of the dayside ionopause of Venus - Pioneer Venus Orbiter magnetometer observations , 1980 .

[82]  A. Nagy,et al.  Hot hydrogen in the exosphere of Venus , 1980, Nature.

[83]  C. T. Russell,et al.  Pioneer magnetometer observations of the Venus bow shock , 1979, Nature.

[84]  C. Russell,et al.  A comparison of Pioneer Venus and Venera bow shock observations: Evidence for a solar cycle variation , 1979 .

[85]  C. Russell,et al.  Position and shape of the Venus bow shock: Pioneer Venus Orbiter observations , 1979 .

[86]  J. Mihalov,et al.  Electron Observations and Ion Flows from the Pioneer Venus Orbiter Plasma Analyzer Experiment , 1979, Science.

[87]  F. S. Johnson,et al.  A new concept for the daytime magnetosphere of Venus , 1979 .

[88]  R. Shefer,et al.  A reexamination of plasma measurements from the Mariner 5 Venus encounter , 1979 .

[89]  I. M. Podgornyi,et al.  Determining the magnetic moment of Venus by magnetic measurements in the tail , 1979 .

[90]  T. Breus Venus: Review of present understanding of solar wind interaction , 1979 .

[91]  C. Russell,et al.  Initial Pioneer Venus Magnetic Field Results: Dayside Observations , 1979, Science.

[92]  M. Marcelin,et al.  Lyman-alpha observations of venera-9 and 10 I. The non-thermal hydrogen population in the exosphere of venus , 1978 .

[93]  G. I. Volkov,et al.  Plasma near Venus from the Venera 9 and 10 wide-angle analyzer data , 1978 .

[94]  K. W. Behannon,et al.  Mariner 10 magnetic field observations of the venus wake , 1978 .

[95]  G. Siscoe,et al.  Plasma electron observations in the wake of Venus , 1978 .

[96]  C. Russell The magnetosphere of Venus: Evidence for a boundary layer and a magnetotail , 1976 .

[97]  M. Dryer,et al.  Viscous boundary layer for the Venusian ionopause , 1976 .

[98]  D. Hunten,et al.  Depletion of solar wind plasma near a planetary boundary , 1976 .

[99]  C. Russell The magnetic moment of Venus - Venera-4 measurements reinterpreted , 1976 .

[100]  D. Sweetnam,et al.  The Mariner 10 Radio Occultation Measurements of the Ionosphere of Venus , 1975 .

[101]  N. Ness,et al.  Magnetic Field Observations near Mercury: Preliminary Results from Mariner 10 , 1974, Science.

[102]  R. Daniell,et al.  Atmospheric ion wakes of Venus and Mars in the solar wind , 1974 .

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[104]  R. P. Rohrbaugh,et al.  Effect of energetic oxygen atoms on neutral density models , 1973 .

[105]  R. Daniell,et al.  Ionospheric currents induced by solar wind interaction with planetary atmospheres. , 1973 .



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[123]  P. Mahaffy,et al.  Observations of energetic ions on the nightside of Venus , 1987 .

[124]  C. Russell,et al.  Interactions with planetary ionospheres and atmospheres: A review. [solar wind interactions] , 1986 .

[125]  C. Russell,et al.  Interplanetary magnetic field control of the Venus magnetosheathfield and bow shock location , 1986 .

[126]  T. Breus Mass-loading at Venus: Theoretical expectations , 1986 .

[127]  J. Luhmann The solar wind interaction with Venus , 1986 .

[128]  E. Chassefière,et al.  Venus EUV measurements of hydrogen and helium from Venera 11 and Venera 12 , 1985 .

[129]  C. Russell,et al.  Mass-loading and the formation of the Venus tail , 1985 .

[130]  C. Russell,et al.  Evidence for mass-loading of the Venus magnetosheath , 1985 .

[131]  C. Russell,et al.  The average configuration of the induced Venus magnetotail. , 1985 .

[132]  P. Blum,et al.  Lower thermospheric density structure derived from late decay phases of satellite orbits , 1985 .

[133]  F. Scarf,et al.  Wave‐particle interactions in the Venus wake and tail , 1984 .

[134]  A. Brinca On the coupling of test ions to magnetoplasma flows through turbulence , 1984 .

[135]  C. Russell,et al.  Time scales for the decay of induced large‐scale magnetic fields in the Venus ionosphere , 1984 .

[136]  L. Paxton Atomic Carbon in the Venus Thermosphere: Observations and Theory. , 1983 .

[137]  C. Russell,et al.  The interaction of flowing plasmas with planetary ionospheres - A Titan-Venus comparison , 1983 .

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[139]  L. H. Brace,et al.  Plasma clouds above the ionopause of Venus and their implications , 1982 .

[140]  J. Luhmann,et al.  Holes in the nightside ionosphere of Venus , 1982 .

[141]  C. Russell,et al.  The properties of the low altitude magnetic belt in the Venus ionosphere , 1982 .

[142]  C. Russell,et al.  Magnetic field and plasma wave observations in a plasma cloud at Venus , 1982 .

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