Digital Signal Processing: Signals, Systems, and Filters
PREFACE Chapter 1: Introduction to Digital Signal Processing Chapter 2: The Fourier Series and Fourier Transfer Chapter 3: The z Transform Chapter 4: Discrete-Time Systems Chapter 5: Application of the z Transform Chapter 6: The Sampling Process Chapter 7: The Discrete Fourier Transform Chapter 8: Realization of Digital Filters Chapter 9: Design of Nonrecursive (FIR) Filters Chapter 10: Approximations for Analog Filters Chapter 11: Design of Recursive (IIR) Filters Chapter 12: Recursive (IIR) Filters Satisfying Prescribed Specifications Chapter 13: Random Signals Chapter 14: Effects of Finite Word Length in Digital Filters Chapter 15: Design of Nonrecursive Filters Using Optimization Methods Chapter 16: Design of Recursive Filters Using Optimization Methods Chapter 17: Wave Digital Filters Chapter 18: Digital Signal Processing Applications APPENDIX A: COMPLEX ANALYSIS APPENDIX B: ELLIPTIC FUNCTIONS INDEX