일제 말 극단 현대극장의 국민연극 실천과 신극(新劇)의 딜레마
In march 1941, Hyundae-gukjang had brilliantly made its first step under the flag of the establishment of ‘Gukmin-yeonguk’. As a successor of Gukyeonjwa and Gukyesulyeonguhoi, it criticized conventional theatre companies mainly aimed for profits and advocated the true national art. Hungyongang and Bukjindae were two of the most representative theatre companies for its Gukminyeonguk, planned with great ambitions. Their effects, however, did not seem very huge, only to result in the withdrawal of some members and serious financial problems. Most of all, there were a clear contradiction and a dillema in Hyundae-gukjang just like in former Gukyeonjwa when Hyundae-gukjang tried to professionalize shinguk[one kind of Josoen modern drama]. Gukyeonjwa had been suspicious that local performances were necessary, even if it clearly had clarified the purpose to be a professional theatre, taking a belligerent position to many of the past successful theatre companies. Hyundae-gukjang as well tried to discriminate itself from other successful companies and to raise its status in the theatrical world. This policy contributed to financial problems from which the theatre company attempted to escape by depending on ‘a possible help from others’. As Gukyeonjwa had expected to get financial aids hoping for an appearance of a generous benefactor who would have great interest in plays, Hyundaegukjang wanted the Japanese Empire to financially support itself; however, it never happened, which ultimately led the theatre company to turn its way into popular repertories. In other words, the company decided to operate with its own efforts, also collaborating with some of the most successful theatre companies of those days, such as Sungbo-akukdae, Yakcho-gagukdan. Among the main repertory pieces were Ham-Seduk’s popular works and others’. In brief, Hyundea-gukjang’s early action was failed in professionalizing shinguk. With vague hope of external support, it was impossible. ‘Gukmin-yeonguk’ was sort method for external support and no more. Hyundea-gukjang’s change of direction means Gukmin-yoenguk they advanced was failed, and Hyudae-gukjang’s leadership and status were damaged seriously.