Pore-water samples from the equatorial sedimentary bulge area show reversals in depth profiles of 87Sr/86Sr ratios at the sedimentfaasement interface. Results of this work support inferences made from previous pore-water data (from DSDP drilling in the area) that large-scale horizontal advection of seawater has occurred through the basement underlying the thick sedimentary sequence in this region. The area of apparent advection includes the eastern part of the equatorial high-productivity zone and part of the Guatemala Basin. We attempted to find links between the observed near-basement reversals in pore-water chemistry and sedimentary thickness, age, and topography of the area. Most of the sites that show horizontal advection have disturbed basement topography or outcrops within 10 to 20 km, suggesting that the cooling effects of outcrops may extend for at least 20 km horizontally. Heat-flow data from the area were compared to determine whether sites showing near-bottom chemistry reversals were consistent with areas of low conductive heat flow. This was generally true for the area of the sedimentary bulge and Guatemala Basin. Not enough pore-water data from the Nazca Plate were available to establish any reliable systematics. Because the high-productivity area is well-sealed from hydrothermal circulation, the missing heat must be lost by horizontal advective heat transport. From profiles of strontium isotopes and other elements that show departure from seawater values with increasing depth in the sediments, but return to seawater values near the basement, it appears that water flows relatively freely through much of the oceanic crust, even when sealed by considerable sedimentary cover.

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