Replacing traditional lectures, tutorials and exams with a Knowledge Building Community (KBC): a constructivist, problem-based approach to pre-service primary teacher education

This paper reports on a journey that begun in 1997 when a small group in the Faculty of Education at the University of Wollongong agreed to trial an alternative model of teacher education known as the Knowledge Building Community (KBC) Project. This alternative model of teacher education was based upon three learning principles, community learning, school-based learning and problem-based learning. Since the first students began in 1999 the original model has undergone several revisions and is now best described as a "negotiated-evaluation-of-a-non-negotiable-curriculum-based-on-a- constructivist-model-of-learning-and-knowledge-building". The aim of the KBC Program has been to deal with the perennial problem of contextualising students' professional learning, by linking abstract theory as closely as possible to the contexts and settings to which it applies, that is, the primary school classroom.